Every since I decided to join the Buy European movement, I've been avoiding US tech as much as possible. I still have my personal accounts but I try to use fediverse and European alternatives. However I've also built my website to promote buying European products. (Non profit, I don't earn from it).
Now that got me thinking... Most people that use Fediverse are fairly in the loop on things like "buy European" and shop local etc. But who really need to hear the info is people who are not. To reach them I'd probably need to insert links to my website on "big tech" social media websites. It makes me feel like an imposterer though to do that (advice to buy European and then putting content on an American network).
Can you guys/girls/others please tell me how you would handle this situation and what you think is best?
I think most people are still not aware that there even are European alternatives to big tech. And for alternatives to thrive people have to be informed. I would definitely say it's okay to use big tech too convince their users to switch sides! As you said on platforms like lemmy you mostly reach people who are already aware of this...
Most people are not willing to switch from Meta to alternatives, period. Some people might concede and use other apps on the side, but definitely not as their main social and messenger apps.
I will rather focus on communicating with people around me IRL why i am moving away from these brands. These days there's a high chance your posts will be filtered/shadow banned or moderated anyway, it's not the place to fight this
Thanks! I'm definitely talking to people around me. I'm even having stickers made to put on my car and bins etc. so hopefully that will trigger some conversations as well.
I would set up simple linking/summarizing, but nothing more. Suck users away, make them click the link to read, and if you get shadowbanned for it then you haven't wasted much effort.