Of course, his demands are impossible. That way, he can just point to everyone else and say “see? They’re prolonging the war!“
I really wish people would stop, acting shocked and surprised when Putin and Trump do shit like this. We have known, for decades, that both of them are insane monsters. Do something!
so, NATO's surrender then.. as a condition of a cease-fire with Ukraine.. which isn't a NATO member.. which Putin invaded ostensibly to prevent it from joining NATO. right...
sure, I think we can do that. no Western troops, no problem! we'll just give them each a few dozen hydrogen bombs, and call it even.
A few dozen hydrogen bombs each? Sir, this is Europe! We won’t have such uncivilised weapons that could be used for discriminatory purposes in our beautiful continent.
No, the only solution is for every country in the EU, NATO, or bordering Russia to be equipped with a Project Sundial device. It’s the only way to preserve European unity.
If built and detonated, Sundial would have created a fireball up to 50 kilometers (30 miles) in diameter, instantly igniting everything within 400 kilometers (250 miles) and causing a magnitude 9 earthquake. It was thought that the explosion would lead to an apocalyptic nuclear winter, drastically lowering global temperatures and contaminating water sources, resulting in mass fatalities.
If detonated at an altitude of 28 miles (45 km) the Sundial device could ignite fires across an area the size of France.