Russia has been bombarded in the biggest Ukrainian drone attack of the war, Moscow officials have said, on the same day as crunch talks are set to be held between Kyiv and the United States.
The Russian Defence Ministry said air defences shot down 337 Ukrainian drones over 10 Russian regions overnight, a record high, as Ukraine hit back at a series of brutal recent attacks launched by Moscow.
At least one Russian civilian has been killed and several injured, with dramatic footage showing fires raging from the exploding drones including in high rise residential buildings near Moscow.
Having been to both countries, and made friends in both countries, this whole war really hurts to see. I hate the Russian government, but the Russian people don't deserve this any more than the Ukrainian people deserve being invaded. I can't give an opinion on how strategically "necessary" this was in the eyes of Ukrainian military leadership, but it's sad all the same.
They committed a war crime. Take a moment to look at the photo gallery, they bombed civilian cars, civilian apartment complex, single family housing.
And they are doing this on the eve of a potential ceasefire. This is not "sad", it's malicious and counterproductive. This kind of attack does nothing to improve the balance of power of Ukraine, it's essentially state terrorism.
Ok one civilian killed, how many tactical targets did they hit? 337 shot down, how many drones did hit their target? sounds like this post shares only the absolute worst side of the story.
"The Russian Ministry of Defense claimed to have shot down at least 91 drones in the region around Moscow and more than 240 drones directed at other targets across the country."
"The Ukrainian military said it had targeted Moscow’s oil refinery, which provides more than a third of the fuel consumed in the capital region, along with an oil production station in the Orel region. Neither claim could be independently verified."
"Ukraine's armed forces "struck a number of strategic objects of the Russian Federation involved in ensuring armed aggression against Ukraine," they said in a statement Tuesday.
The Russian military said it shot down 337 Ukrainian drones over 10 Russian regions. Three people were killed and 18 injured, and several residential buildings damaged, according to Russian officials."
NYT does not say whether a civilian was killed or soldier. They all leave that out. Like almost all Western newspapers. Which is why you got Daily Mail.
If Ukraine actually did this, it's a beautiful find out stage after Russia has been fucking around for far too long. But the skeptic in me says this is actually a false flag staged to manufacture reasons to deny peace talks and continue to escalate.
People who don't understand what Ukraine is doing are priviledged and their culture has never had to fight an oppressor or they won long ago and their people simply forgot what it was like to fight to survive.
My people were invaded, genocided and attempts were made to assimilate us after genocide attempts failed. Our patriots fought back for many years, but ultimately lost. Know what the oppressors called our patriots? The old way of calling your victim a "terrorist" for fighting back: A traitor to the crown (you can guess which nation did this to us now). Our patriots were hung in mass and anyone that believed in the cause and rebelled were also hung. Our patriots had killed many soldiers and civilians in the attempts to free our people from the invading nation. It was unavoidable and a necessary sacrifice to make for the cause in their minds. Today, we have a holiday in their honour, as our people ended up surviving the genocide and assimilation attempts and we didn't forget their efforts to free us.
Death is part of war and a victim of oppression is allowed to defend themselves from being genocided. The struggles to survive don't just happen within people's rose tinted glasses. I'm tired of the priviledged trying to control the narrative of what is "right" or "wrong" for a nation to do in response to being genocided.
Have you ever considered that Ukraine doesn't want peace talks to succeed? Agree with it or not, they want their land back. By attacking Russia in its capital heavily right before peace talks, they're daring Putin to fume about it and end up violating the ceasefire, giving Ukraine the ability to say "We told you so" and ask for more money from the US and EU.
When was it? I'm looking at Russian news and not seeing anything, they're usually pretty eager to talk about drone attacks. I read about one on Nizhny Novgorod, IIRC it was early morning 11.03
They gave up their entire country to the west when they allowed the US to overthrow their government in the 2014 Maidan Coup. Then they let NATO place troop & missile deployments at the Russian border, in violation of multiple different agreements (Zelenskyy said he supported these agreements to get elected), and now Russia understandably wants a large buffer zone to prevent this from happening again (and protect the ethnic Russians who were being targeted by the Ukrainian far-right).
News flash: no one who refuses to hold elections, and who bans opposition parties & media, is ever the good guy.
But I understand that y’all want this proxy war to continue til the last Ukrainian, and don’t understand how dangerous it is to escalate with a nuclear superpower. Not sure how the drone attacks are supposed to convince them they don’t need a buffer zone, but that’s the level of strategizing we’ve come to expect from the Ukrainian government.
Neo liberals:
This is just Russian propaganda!!!!! We must continue giving more guns bombs tanks and military ordinance to the Ukraine to defend democracy which we don’y…. I mean definitely still do have here in the United states because of……. I mean DESPITE… Malignant Russian actors who perpetrated the DNC leaks 9 years ago and DEFINITELY NOT wall street corporate military and prison industry profiteers who own both political parties and collude to manipulate the American people and maintain their fascist neo-feudalistic state at all costs!!!!!
Of course world news is filled with neo libs who think the solution to the issues is just to vote harder and that democracy in the usa wasn't obviously compromised decades ago. Man you guys are so delulu.
i wouldnt be surprised if the russians attacked themselves so they could turn back on their ceasefire and make the ukrainians look like war crazed terrorists.
ill believe it fully when the ukrainians themselves claim the attack on a non biased platform. this is practically a heresay news source from the far right.
I don't support Putin but that doesn't mean I blindly dismiss that civilians get harmed in military conflicts. The thrust of your reasoning appears to be "Ukraine is good, Russia is bad, killing civilians is bad, Ukraine killed Russian civilians...DOES NOT COMPUTE...CONTRADICTION...DISMISS THE FACTS"
Like, dude. War is Hell. And it's never as simple as good guys and bad guys. Sure, Putin is a clear bad guy. But most everything else going on is morally grey. As for the facts of the attack, this was confirmed by AP, the BBC, and CNN. Are you sure the British are Trump/Putin media? What about the AP, which has been barred from the White House over Trump's "Gulf of America" debacle? There's no excuses for not simply looking it up. You made this post 35 minutes ago.
EDIT: To be clear, I do oppose Trump, Putin, and the Daily Mail. They are all authoritarian right-wing in ideology if not outright neo-fascist/neo-nationalist/proto-fascist
im merely dismissing known state propagandist news sources as fact. i need more evidence from unbiased sources to make an educated decision. also timing is sus as hell.
sorry, i just dont blindly believe the first thing i read, especially from sources like the daily mail. the list on why is long, but it ends with a fascist and an oligarch in the oval office, dismantling the US and attacking my country. and they (daily mail, and news sources like them) are partially responsible for this entire mess.
war is hell, but the media motivates it, spins it, justifies it, and in itself, it is a weapon of war. its important to question sources, now more than ever.
i wouldnt be surprised if the russians attacked themselves
The absolute state of libs. Put down the tinfoil.
Russians are at the same time desperate for a peace deal bc they're getting decimated but staging an elaborate and incredibly expensive attack to jettison the deal. ???? Boy am I not surprised your ruling class doesn't respect your intellect enough to pretend they're not robbing you blind.
Russians are at the same time desperate for a peace deal bc they're getting decimated but staging an elaborate and incredibly expensive attack to jettison the deal. ????
they do this tactic in war, super advanced technology. its called a "F.I.B." wonders, its been patented and used by the most horrible of fascist regimes, but its said to have existed for millenia, and its a beautiful weapon, a tremendous weapon, some say, and ive heard them, they call it THE BEST weapon, and it works wonders on people, and nearly half of americans, SO MUCH SO in fact that it helped them (oligarchs, russians, bad actors etc) alter many elections over the years. but most recently in the last US election.
F eeding.
I diots.
B ullshit.
theres one cure for it, and its a simple program, but you have to want to do it yourself, and do it constantly, every day. and thats the kicker. but here it goes.
check your sources. look for bias. dont take everything at face value. think critically, question everything, and never stop looking for the truth.
(on this subject specifically, i need more sources and confirmed evidence beyond what comes from the kremlin, the timing is just.....too perfect)
How come when Russia drops bombs it's a military target (or something meters away from one) but when Ukraine drops bombs it's always schools, apartments, and shopping malls?
They need to have some success to put onto the table and show USA and EU they still can win. Regardless of this "win" being basically terror attack, USA and EU loves them anyway.
Let's not pretend as if anyone here can know the real answer to that. But... Kyiv has been attacked with terror attacks since the start of this war, so why not Moscow? Perhaps it might bring some sense to the russian people who are currently complete sheeps when it comes to their leadership.
Unfortunately(?) attacks against civilians rarely work in lowering morale.