Please make a common database for these alternatives
I support the goal and fully understand the frustration with the USA right now and it's great that there are so many lists of alternatives popping up, but to those creating them, maybe consider organising yourselves. You are recreating the same database every time and it might be time to unify efforts so that all these disparate efforts can move forward together more quickly.
Extensions, posters, websites, and so on could all build upon the database.
The whole objective is to make people aware, make people discuss who they buy from and send that message overseas. The more discussions about this, the better.
Concentrating on one spot will only be slowing down the publicity campaign. Anyway, we will see that a few places will pop up with the largeest databases. If you think your system is the best, go for it!
I'd say it's time for some labeling laws. Just like nutrition labels, but country of origin instead. List the assembler and every country contributing more than 5% of the total product or assembly costs.
yall do the whole “global revenue” things great! perhaps that similar thinking should also apply to country of origin: country of most profit or something
liiiike an iphone should probably label both china and US (and not ireland… maybe)
Kind of the other side of the same coin. Last I looked Apple had shifted like 80% of it's profit through Ireland, but I also heard that had been shut down or shifted away since then. Probably around the time Brexit started kicking up.
There's plenty of good reason to make customers aware of who they're supporting, putting the placement of revenue or profit on a label would be problematic. For one thing, it could be completely different between the time of printing, and the time of sale. Maybe the better option would be a QR label linked to the most recent corporate disclosure reports. Would be handy for official contact info too.