You know what? Go for it, Greene. Tell your constituents shit that will get them killed. Have at it. Go ham. This is what your constituents wanted. They must lie in the bed they’ve made.
And I hope they’re hurt. I hope family members of her constituents die to a disease that we have fully handled in this day and age, but that you’re far too fucking jaw-droppingly imbecilic to accept - either on evidence (which you enjoy ignoring) or on faith (which you profess to love). Go ahead. Ignore the science. Let your children and immunocompromised friends and family die. You so gleefully revel in causing pain in others. Now you’re causing pain to yourself. Fucking figure it out.
I mean this is unironically how it should go. People* don't change because you tell them some good arguments. They change because they'll be confronted by the consequences of their actions, and the hurt that comes along with it. It's unfortunate but it has never been different for our species.
*if you are socialized in a way to see the value in good arguments, admitting of being wrong, then arguments may work. But not by default.
I’m on an immunosuppressant medication currently. I know perfectly well what I’m saying implies. My point is that they’re going to do it anyways, and since they are, I’m leaning in to the schadenfreude.
A kid has already died from the latest outbreak [1] and this stupid bitch thinks it's sad that people are criticizing PARENTS for killing their children.
[1] A disease we had thought was eradicated, by the way, thanks to the smart people who are educated and actually have expertise about things, back in 2000. But thanks to fucking IDIOTS like Klan Mom here, we are still talking about goddamn measles and dead children, because assholes like her and Bobby Brainworm brought it the fuck back. In 20 fucking 25.
It wasn't just that the study was retracted, the author also lost his medical license and had a known competing financial interest in the outcome of the study. It's literally a real life pharma conspiracy and these rubes are on the side of the conspirators.
Not to mention the US nearly entirely eliminated the use of Thimerosal anyway, out of an abundance of caution, and like two dozen national health departments committed to massive studies looking at the issues raised in the retracted article and every single one found no correlation.
We should stop putting warning labels on all potentially dangerous products so natural selection can weed out MTG and people like her from the gene pool already.
Honestly, labels might encourage some of the stupider ones to drink it: "BIG BAD GUBBERMINT put this warning label on this here product! Well, I'm not going to be a cuck for the DEEP STATE! Fuck Fauci, George Soros and Bill Gates! They cannot tell ME what to do!" {chugs bleach}
Oh true, could switch up the strategy. Just start spreading that people who follow the warning labels and proper use guidelines are all beta cuck soy boys and they’ll take care of themselves lol.