There is no reference to it, but most semiconductors-making equipment is manufactured by a Dutch company named ASML. However, I don't know how useful this will be for EU to transition to RISC-V.
Regardless of the outcome I just hope this doesn’t lead to more tribalism in software again. The FOSS community needs to stay strong on an international level whenever it comes to hardware integration etc.
With tariffs and sanctions, it has become clear that open standards which can’t be controlled by governments are what is needed.
With what’s been happening over the past few years, there will be a lot of interested in this. Recently, I’ve seen lots of news about it, but that could just be the algorithm.
Feasible, yes. Practical, hard to say. Good idea, yes.
RISC-V is open-source architecture based in Switzerland (although it started in University of California).
One thing going for it is China is spending billions a year towards RISC-V adoption so they do not get sanctioned by the US. You need money and engineers working on it towards these type of open source to compete with existing players.
The great thing about RISC-V if you care about sovereignty in an age where CPUs run the world is that it's an open standard. Contrast this with x86 which is owned in some part by US-based Intel and some part by US-based AMD as well as ARM which is owned by Japanese-owned, UK-based Arm Holdings. If you want to use x86, you're shelling out license money to Intel and AMD, and if you want to use ARM, you're shelling out license money to Arm Holdings. You never truly "own" what you're producing.
Considering that you can buy some Raspberry Pi micro computers (these are ARM architecture computers) for less than €100 that are performance competitive with a lot of existing hardware; this idea would make a ton of sense for Europe to implement. I think Europe could probably start designing and manufacturing chips locally within 2 to 5 years on the low end 5 to 10 years on the high end.
afaik, risc and cisc are pretty much the same anymore. x86, risc v and arm all have bloated instructions sets, and they all decode to risc microcode under the hood anyways.