I'm in the top 0,75% for System of a Down, Laufey and MF DOOM (and formerly FiftyFifty). I am the "I listen to all genres" personified.
2 0 Reply33 0 ReplyMy very first concert I ever went to was Caravan Palace (2024) and initially I didn't even want to go in the first place. Glad to say that I did go and now I'm regretting that I never went to concerts before.
2 0 Reply
I got to top 0.6% of Duran Duran listeners on YouTube last year (I listened to INVISIBLE on loop an unholy number of times)
4 0 ReplyGojira 🤘🤘🤘
7 0 Reply"whales in the sky!"
1 0 ReplyThere's fire in the sky
You're in the Amazon!3 0 Reply
Huh, two to my favourite bands as well
2 0 ReplyThem knowing statistics like this and much much more is fucking creepy.
2 1 ReplyHow else are artists going to get paid fairly if they don’t track who listens to them and how many times?
6 0 Replyif you think that's bad, don't think about what other data they're collecting.
This is actually useful data for you to give them since it's for recommending music to you and to others; the whole point of their platform
2 1 Reply