The California Governor, in the launch of his new podcast, announced that he completely aligned with far-right, anti-LGBTQ+ influencer Charlie Kirk on sports, and agreed on prisons and youth care.
Yeah, as a Californian, I'm not surprised, just disappointed. Gavin is the textbook definition of a "shitlib", and it's so frustrating that Fox makes him out as some far left radical.
Misleading article. The issues where Gavin pointed out alignment were regarding trans athletes in sports, in particular the competitive advantages ftm athletes possess, and whether or not the state should pay for gender reassignment for inmates. Kirk was clearly trying to bait him into an article like this
That being said, Newsom's responses were tepid at best. However, remember that this is also the man who took the step to legalize gay marriage in California when he was mayor of San Francisco. He's definitely not perfect, and far too centrist for my tastes, but when the chips are down he generally does the right thing.
Having Charlie Kirk on your first podcast was not one of them, however.
Here's a link to the podcast. Transcript is available in the drop down.
The issues where Gavin pointed out alignment were regarding trans athletes in sports, in particular the competitive advantages ftm [sic] athletes possess, and whether or not the state should pay for gender reassignment for inmates
Oh, is that all. 🙄 Yeah man, it’s a really hard question on whether trans people deserve to participate as full members of society and whether they deserve medically necessary care when imprisoned before a trial. I bet the KKK has some really interesting points to make too, we should get him to do an interview with them.
Oh, he also agreed with Kirk on no treatment for trans youth.
Kirk continued, "Youth should be off limits, you might be right on deportations, I know I’m right on this," to which Newsom simply acknowledged, "Yeah.”
But other than all that I’m sure he definitely for sure has the best interest of trans people in mind!
I didn't say he was right on these issues, and you're correct in taking issue with him because of it. However, it doesn't change the fact that the article is a misleading smear piece capitalizing on Newsom's rather foolish attempt to "cross the aisle" and have Kirk on his show.
I have a lot of problems with Newsom, as I actually alongside his campaign for mayor in the 90s through my volunteer work at Peace Action. I ended up leaving the campaign before he won due to his anti-homeless measure, which (predictably) restricted social services and made the homeless problem worse. It was clear back then he was always going to take the side of the rich in California politics, just as it was clear that he had already been effectively anointed as an upcoming governor by the Pelosi / Feinstein machine.
He's also kind of a dumbass (this was really clear when he was younger - just look at his taste in women), but smart enough to usually listen to the more intelligent people in the room. This has redeemed him during the governorship to some extent, but he's definitely made a rightward turn in response to recent events that's left me less than confident in his leadership ability.