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LGBTQ+ orgs blast Joe Biden's "cowardly" statement opposing surgeries for trans youth
  • Kids are never offered "life changing surgeries". This doesn't happen. Evidence very much suggests being trans is a genuine neurological condition that we are born with.

    Our brains match our gender.

    Brains are not necessarily binary.

    We understand some of the causes.

    "Risk" of being born trans seems to be partly genetic.

    Our identities are stable.

    The American Academy of Pediatrics is on our side.

    Adults don't regret surgery. And another study on the same.

    Additionally, getting a diagnosis is a long process (and it's not guaranteed that you'll get one), and then actually getting treatment takes even more time (also not guaranteed).

    EDIT: I can't read what the transphobe is saying anymore as they have rightly been banned from the server I'm on. Detransitioning is uncommon, but of course perfectly valid. Typically people detransition because of transphobia or for economic reasons. Have some additional links:

    Rates of detransition are low, and they are only very rarely permanent and caused by true regret.

    GenderGP links multiple studies saying essentially the same thing.

    This one mentions detransition rates of 13%, but again mostly to escape stigma.

  • [CW: transphobia] How can they not see this is what's coming‽
  • It's more common among the older generations to my knowledge, but yes there are absolutely conservative queer people that are actively transphobic. I recently made the mistake of reading the comments under an article about the increase in transphobic legislation and hate crime (hate crime in general, so against all queer people) in britain, and there were lots of gay people going "lmao what rights have we lost, name one right" or "I don't give a fuck, I haven't experienced this where I live" :(

  • What's the story of your name?
  • I haven't chosen a name yet.

    I did receive a name from a dream which I excitedly wrote down in the middle of the night, because obviously getting my true name from my subconscious is a big deal.

    When I woke back up and checked it in a more lucid state, I was disappointed to see it was very clearly made up by dream logic as it was essentially only a parody of a real name.

  • egg_irl [Transfem meme]
  • It varies from person to person. Sometimes it's stuff like body dysphoria (MRI's show that trans peoples biological sex don't match the sex of the brain, likely the brains mapping of the body is therefore often somewhat incorrect), sometimes there is just a feeling, sometimes there is a noticeable comfort or discomfort with presenting this or that way, sometimes there are thoughts and dreams, sometimes there are behavioral or mental effects.

    How people react to going through puberty can be telling as well, as it seems the brain is kinda programmed to want a certain mix of hormones. Some trans people report a variety of shitty mental symptoms going away when receiving hrt, and coming back when stopping. Some react very negatively to the physical changes brought on by puberty.

    I remember day dreaming about finding out that I'm intersex (I didn't know the term, I had just heard about something similar happening somewhere) and a doctor telling me I could choose to be a girl when I was a kid. I would always pick female characters in video games, it was always just harder to be invested in male characters even if they were never visible. I would always make them look like what I imagined I would look like as a girl/woman.

    I had my mom dress me up as a girl for halloween once and have had a number of cross dressing occasions throughout my childhood.

    I never liked having short hair and frequently let it grow out. I was always jealous of the clothes girls got to wear.

    I never really clicked with guy stuff, though I didn't have very feminine hobbies or interests either. Stuff that was male-coded was however extra unappealing to me just because it was male-coded.

    The idea of being very masculine was extremely unappealing, and I was secretly very proud and happy of every comment and compliment I received about behaving feminine or being non-masculine.

    I was casually a woman in 50% of my daydreams and was always fascinated by fiction involving swapping genders and being accepted for who you were etc.

    I don't like my face or my beard all that much despite looking perfectly alright, and I really disliked having any body fat at all (I don't mind a healthy bit of body fat nearly as much now that my hormones tell my body to store it in feminine places).

    Anyways, I never really suspected I was trans until like a year ago despite feeling kinda text book in hindsight.

    EDIT: Hope the wall of text isn't overwhelming. The TLDR is it's complicated, and the only way to know is to just know or try stuff out until you feel comfortable :)

    EDIT 2: I figured out I was trans by reading the definition and symptoms, thinking about it for a couple of months, and then trying some stuff out.

  • Spectrum rule
  • Yes, but distance is still continuous, a minimum measurable distance (between stuff) doesn't make space granular. I suppose there might be a minimum measurably meaningful number of configurations, but I'm not super convinced.

  • Spectrum rule
  • Whether or not an infinite number of particles will fit or not is not important, no ? I'm not sure what you mean by finite granularity. There is no "grid", space is continuous, the planck length and the fact that push on each other doesn't really factor in. By virtue of space being continuous and particles being finite, means you can configure stuff in infinite ways.

    Edit: Not quoting you with the reference to a grid. I know that's not what you mean.

  • Spectrum rule
  • There are an infinite number of numbers between 0 and 1, and yet there is no repetition. Pi and other irrational numbers are infinite yet non-repeating. I wish I knew the name for this kind of thing because I'm sure it's been discussed in philosophy (a kind of opposite, eternal recurrence, has been discussed a lot).

    I don't think anyone knows enough about the universe to say whether or not there is infinite variety in macroscopic stuff, so I don't think anything can be ruled out.

  • Spectrum rule
  • Gynophilia, androphilia, romantic attraction, sexual attraction etc. absolutely makes everything complicated yeah. And then there's cultural stuff and minor personal preferences. There's no real end to how many axis you could legitimately argue for including in a sexuality chart.

  • Ireland and Spain have followed Norway in announcing their recognition of a Palestinian state
  • The Israeli Foreign Ministry posted a video message addressed to Ireland on X warning that “recognizing a Palestinian state will lead to more terrorism, instability in the region and jeopardize any prospects for peace.”

    Sounds like a threat