Downside: Ticket fees and potentially clothes shopping.
I'm looking at attending one next month, proceeds are going to local LGBT youth programs, but goddamn. Minimum $35 to get in, $50 if you want VIP, and looking through my wardrobe, I have nothing to wear that qualifies for a black tie event. I'm currently maxing out at "high-middle class restaurant" attire.
I'm currently maxing out at "high-middle class restaurant" attire.
New-ish jeans/khakis and a collared shirt are the best anyone's getting out of me. I last wore a suit in 2011, to a job interview. I'm done with the wardrobe games.
You're the guy I always low-key feel sorry for at formal events and other dress ups.
"Poor feller looks so out of place. Must not have had a father to teach him how to dress. Maybe he thinks it's expensive? I could outfit him for $100 and he'd look like a million bucks."
If you wish your fashion to express, "don't give two fucks", you do you. I actually enjoy looking nice. (That was a Halloween party, couldn't think of anything to go as but Tony Stark.)
Still, better than the guy who's obviously uncomfortable in his ill-fitting, never worn suit. I feel for them as well.
Edit: Finally clicked the link. Just... wow. Hope the air doesn't get too thin way up there on your high horse, from which you feel compelled to take potshots at people's parents for not having passed down your refined sense of style.
A lot of us younger people just don't give a fuck. My last suit hasn't fit me in nearly 10 years and I still haven't bought a new one. If I want to look fancy, I'll put on jeans instead of my usual shorts. My comfort matters more to me than your or nearly anyone else's respect. One day years from now, I'll have to go to my daughter's graduation. For that event I'll have a suit on, probably tailor-made. Until then, I doubt I'm going to be wearing one.
I can't say you look all that nice in the photo either. But that's none of my business and you shouldn't care about my opinion anyway.
Every man should own a tux. I got 2 off Amazon for $100ea. or less. Dress shoes were $35, white shirts are a couple of bucks at the thrift. Second-hand ties might as well be free.