What is the point of Trump and Vance humiliating Zelensky in front of live TV? Why could they not have done it in private as with most discussions?
I wasn't fully convinced before that Putin has Trump in his pocket, but after that stunt, I am convinced that he is under Putin's thumb. Trump and co. could have had marching orders from Putin to do exactly that. Also, this is something that Putin have done and would do, publicly humiliating someone on live TV.
I'm on the minority that thinks this wasn't a stunt. I think Trump wanted to sign the deal and then fuck them over, letting Russia do whatever they wanted as long and the minerals flowed to US.
So what happened? Trump is just an egotistical imbecile with the people and political skills of a rabid raccoon. He and JD aren't used if being called on their BS ("I thought the rules were you weren't going to fact check") and just lost it.
Zelensky stood his ground and morals, and likely was smelling foul play already.
I thought that was exactly the case, because it's obvious it is. If the majority of people don't understand that, well, perhaps the majority of people are intellectually-disabled.
Everyone in Trump's circle knows you don't discuss reality with him, and they warned Z not to. So when Z pointed out that Russia never respects ceasefire agreements, think skin snowflake lost his mind and botched the entire deal.
It's so obvious that he has no idea how negotiation works.
Trump is a bully, it's always been that simple... He doesn't negotiate, he uses his "wealth" and now has the power as president to do what he wants when he wants... It's why he loves tariffs so much.
And everyone saw what happens when you stay calm and logical against this moron...
They didn't have to televise that part specifically, and Trump actually made a mention of 'why he's let this go on so long'. Trump thinks he knows how to make reality television xD.
This was all done to force Zelensky's capitulation to Trump's will, that's it. When that didn't work, he turned on the cameras and tried to make Zelensky look bad. Abyssmal failure, as are most of Trump's ideas.
They are imbecilic strongmen, they think they are all powerful and think doing this in public is proof of their superiority. It only proved the opposite, as we all know. Petulant children have more restraint.
Can we please find a better name than "strong man" for these fucking clowns? They wouldn't recognize strength, even when it's sitting right next to them in the oval office.
It isn't a compliment. Sorry I made a typo. Strongman is what they are, authoritarians who exert will through military means and believe themselves to be populist. Each are are the opposite of a strong man.
It is too simplistic to say someone is on another's pocket when it could be attributed to simple ideological kinship (no one had said Mussolini is in Hitler's pocket, until of course Italy surrendered to the Allies and Mussolini was rescued by Hitler). But with the ridiculous stunt and Trump wanting to normalise relations with Russia, it is becoming obvious.
He's been sabotaging Ukraine since day one and parroting Russian propaganda lines since day one and Russia has worked hard to get trump and the republicans in office. The writing has been on every single wall for the past 10 years.
Your question already imply an answer: they wanted it to be on TV
To me the situation looks quite clear: people are calling up for more war and military spending, that's what governments ever wanted. People are getting fooled with a gimmick as simple as a scapegoat.
You may believe that our rulers, the one who sit in the government, are good people there to serve justice and help others but a normal person that has no authoritarian ambitions and who believe in fairness would never end up in such position, especially when the system is as much corrupted as it can be and plagued with bad actors. Governments are not your fiends, rulers seek power, they seek wealth and war and stacking weapons is a leverage to those things. So called first world countries are built on exploiting the shit out of third world countries. Governments and rulers benefit from wars and exploitation, it grands them even more power and wealth, they want more war not less, they have always been seeking war and rulers have always clashed with each others.
Trump wants peace now, and to buy economic ties between the US and Ukraine. He feels that US involvement and attention alone will be enough to keep Putin from attacking again, and prefers a quick settlement so he can parade around a success.
Zelensky believes that this is not the groundwork for lasting peace, and that there has to be even more egg on Putin's face from this war, to the point that he publicly regrets starting it. He wants Trump to condemn terrible actions by Putin, which Trump refuses to do because it will thwart any rapid peace deal.
I think each side thought the other would see things their way if they met, and that was never going to happen. Zelensky wants a victory because that is the only thing that will scare Russia away from trying again, and Trump wants a settlement because that will look the best for him, and be fastest. Without the same goals, they cannot see eye to eye.
I do know that Trump wants to end the war in Ukraine quickly so that he can focus his attention to China. But televising the shouting match on live TV is ridiculous.
He campaigned on it the first go round. His actions also during that presidency reflect it - remember he was the one that brokered the awful deal with the Taliban.
He cozies up to dictators because he doesn’t want to fight them and he abuses our allies because he knows they won’t fight the US, which he thinks gives him leverage.
Or as I’ve heard it, he speaks loudly and carries a little stick.
He says he wants it, and he would 100% parade it around, and say how great he is at negotiation. ("It's unbelievable, they said I couldn't do it, but..." etc)
He certainly wants to look like someone that makes peace deals, whether he cares about the real people being killed or not.
Someone mentioned letting in pro-Kremlin outlet TASS film the event. Trump just ordered to stop cyber operations against Russia and lift the sanctions.
If that doesn't scream Putin influence, I don't know what is.