liberals are fucking stupid too….
but watch a jan 6 video and tell me they’re not mostly rednecks.
also, the election was heavily rigged, your stats are from a lie.
check out:
Do you think the levels of "caricaturization" (my phone doesn't like that one, so I mean turning the "enemy" into caricatures) and satire directly correlate to feelings of fear or loss of control, maybe? Those in power don't seem to use satire much, if at all.
So yeah, I agree that it's probably counterproductive, but it also seems to be a somewhat instinctual response, and therefore it should probably be guarded against in particular. Unless I'm overlooking some hidden benefits that aren't just racist to some extent...
we'e on the verge of a bleed-from-your-ass pandemic like we haven't seen in more than a hundred years because of American farming practices, and all Americans care about is the price of eggs
Between the "SAVE Act" which threatens to disenfranchise married women and the possibility that there won't be a flu vaccine in the US next year, I just told my mom to get herself a passport. My wife (and me and the kids) will be getting ours for those reasons plus just flat-out wanting to leave.
I mean, that only proves that those trans people are sneaking into bathrooms. We all know that the deep state dedicates a substantial amount of resources to make sure trans women get to piss in the sinks in women bathrooms. That's why they make them so good at sports, so they can ninja their way to the most purests of sinks. And the eggs are expensive because the deep state loans the money for transing kids from the Big Egg. Why did you think those trans people call cis people eggs? They're going to eat us. And piss in our sinks.
Every time I see a reference to the most common thing used as an example of Alex Jones sounding absolutely absurd "They're putting chemicals in the water that turn the frogs gay!" I feel the need to point out that they (cities and dairy farms) were in fact putting chemicals (synthetic estrogens) in the water that actually were turning the frogs gay and/or trans (depending on things like exact species and dosage).
Less ridiculous conspiracy and more obscure environmental issue of some species being very sensitive to a pollutant we don't think about much.
He was actually describing a real issue that exists, just in the most insane sounding manner conceivable.
Literally not about race. It's about maga (who sometimes are trailer trashy). To be racist, there would need to be a racial component, or at least made by another race with some criticism of white people.