Not only is my personal information on my computer, but so is client information and projects that I signed a NDA that only my eyes shall ever see them.
"Look at all this data on your computer taking up space! Let's store it in the cloud to lighten your load (and, more importantly, use it for marketing, tracking, and LLM training)."
AI isn't allowed on any of my systems, it's practically the first thing I disable (alongside tracking and metrics, but that's basically the same thing). The only AI I will ever allow would be something entirely offline and self hosted that I have complete and total control over.
Microsoft insisting on cramming this crap down everyone's throats has finally convinced me to go 100% Linux for gaming. I'd rather abandon the small handful of games that won't let you run them under Linux than let MS scrape all my personal data and shove ads into every crack of my OS. It's been going great so far and I have absolutely no regrets. Best of all, not a single piece of AI or telemetry to disable.
I've always felt that foxes and snakes get the raw end of the idiom deal. They just do what they do, without malicious intent. I propose a different scenario.
The billionaire: "If you let me in, you'll never work another day in your life."