The elemental monkeys (first stage specifically) always annoyed me for no rational reason at all, immediate Pokémon I think of when I think of "least favorite". But that's three Pokémon, so I have to pick something else.
Really not a fan of Gothita. Or the entire line. Pokémon that evoke more human-like designs usually land on my disliked list pretty quickly. Just a personal dislike, no idea where it comes from.
The most annoyed I ever was with this last gen was to be running through just about anywhere and accidentally start a battle because of these. Florges is an innocent bystander here catching strays.
I mean, they've never once in their life added a beaver pokemon and never will, so no need to remove a hypothetical line known as a "bidoof" line. Seen so many people trying to gaslight me into thinking that isn't some shitty line created by some of the same people who made those shitty early pomemon fan games with horrible fakemon that people have been putting into games as a meme.
Still waiting for an official first beaver based pokemon line. Hell, I'd even settle for my dumb idea of essentially a ghost water type beaver where the bottom half of the body is water, the tail is covered in a water shell, and the top half is a rotting dead beaver carcass.
The entirety of gen 5. Not really but there's a bunch that are just worse versions of Gen 1 mons due to GF weird decision to have all new pokemon in Unova. Gigalith is a worse pile of rocks than Golem, Conkeldurr is a worse construction worker than Machamp, Sawk a Troh are worse martial artists than Hitmonlee and Hitmonchan, Wubat is... egregious. Garbodor is also a ripoff of Muk but I think its design is more original so it gets a pass. If I only get to pick one then it would be Seel. Come on it's a seal that evolves into a slightly bigger seal.
I don't mean they represent worse martial arts, just that they're the same basic concept but with worse designs. And Hitmonchan was already a bad design.
I don't personally have anything against Pikachu as a Pokémon, but oh god once I opened a Falinks video for kids just because I like Falinks and was curious, and like… Pikachu was shoehorned into the Falinks video and I was displeased. I can see how people might dislike Pikachu for overexposure. Is that your reason, or is it something else?
The oeverexposure is a big factor yes (Pikachu and Charizard are pretty much the official whores of the franchise). Gets more variants than Charizard, and gets variants solely so that it can be shoehorned in context where there's no need for it, such as flying battles. Doesn't help that originally Pikachu was more rotund but in the later seasons of the anime and since around G5 in the games they gave it anime hero body proportions, which also sucks.
Haven't written any Pikachu in my works so far because why would I, I hate it. But if I ever need to have some bit NPC be outright demolished and mauled in a fight, Pikachu is among the top candidates.