The fact that its even debatable if this is AI or not is concerning. What is generated and what is real anymore? Is this the Matrix? Can I take the blue pill and forget?!
The fact that its even debatable if this is AI or not is concerning.
I find this argument a little disingenuous. Debatable is subjective. Someone might just have a really, really poor argument. Not much of a debate. Like depending on who you ask, the authenticity of the Moon landing is debatable.
The upper-most finger on the hand isn't an index finger. See where it lands on the palm? The original hand was pointing and they poorly shopped it to make it look like it was holding something cutting off the index finger.
Hopefully, Disney can clarify this and assure the world it’s all deliberate. Because otherwise, a company that can afford to know and do better, hasn’t.
Who cares???
“Marcel didn’t pay someone $20k to make this poster.”
It’s fucking AI - everybody uses it.
We’re mad because a company, who makes movies for children, not adults, used AI for a poster? Oh no, the let down.
Grow up, for fucks sake.
You want your fiction more lifelike?
[Movies are a form of human art] + [Comics are a form of human art]
= Using AI to make the poster of a Movie based on a famous Comic is nothing less that a dick move.
(Ps. This is NOT the cheap poster of a local event or some advertising on a magazine. "Marcel" have fucking millions of budget to pay an artist. The simple fact that "Marcel" do that, is itself a very worrying trend)
They definitely paid someone to do this poster. A company like Marvel will not have some executive use an off-the-shelf AI to generate a poster himself. Someone got paid to create a poster, and that person did a bad job - no matter if it was a compositing error or an AI error.
I thought the general consensus was; “They own their business, they can do whatever they want” - If they let this slide through, it’s their decision, and they can make whatever decisions they choose.