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The Minneapolis Police: A Criminal Organization

The Department of Justice recently released their report on the Minneapolis Police Department (the one that murdered George Floyd) and this video goes over their findings.

It's cartoonish how brutally excessive their use of force is and how little these cops are held to account, even now. Some examples are:

  • Pursuing a woman for jaywalking then grabbing her arms behind her back and slamming her face into the curb while stating, "You play stupid games, you get stupid prizes."
  • Putting a man who was calmly walking in a park in a neck restraint and pinning him to the floor for 13 minutes (later needing intubation).
  • Shoving a peaceful protestor to the ground and causing traumatic brain injury, only to later claim that it was a "slight push" and that the protestor "walked towards [him] with her right hand up and clinched." A fellow officer corroborated this version of events despite contradictory body cam footage.

No consequences have been enacted against the MPD yet, only proposed.

Here's the full report.