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WaterBowlSlime Water Bowl Slime

I'm quite fond of communism, personally.

Posts 20
Comments 275
How LGBT Rights Is Appropriated Into Rainbow Imperialism
  • Yeah liberal support for any cause is only to the extent that it advances imperialism. If it ever comes into conflict then their facade gets dropped in an instant.

    Really, liberal activism is the modern form of the white man's burden: Our society is progressive and free. Their society is backwards and tyrannical. So it's our duty to "civilize" them.

  • I'm annoyed how many 'communists' failed such a basic political litmus test
  • Western media is doing its routine song and dance and all the usual suspects are out in full force, but I've been surprised by the amount of opposition by regular people. Waaaay more people are showing support for Palestine than was ever given towards Russia. It kinda makes me hopeful it kinda makes my stomach churn... I don't know.

  • Nobel Prizes are a sham and super Anglo and Eurocentric
  • Tbh you can repost the image on a community here to make the opposite point. I actually interpreted it that way before I realized where it was posted

  • Running Low On Arms, US Opts To Send Seized Iranian Weapons To Ukraine
  • We audited the Pentagon and they failed to account for most of their assets. You'd think that'd be a bigger deal in the news considering that's trillions worth of stuff but nah we're still gonna increase their budget every year

  • Running Low On Arms, US Opts To Send Seized Iranian Weapons To Ukraine
  • It's cuz the US doesn't spend its military budget on the military. I mean what are we gonna do? Audit them? Lol

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • That's... really sad. :(

  • Capitalism only works in theory.
  • Yeah it bothers me how much libs will equivocate between definitions when asked about capitalism. Sometimes it's markets, other times it's commerce or ownership or freedom or human nature itself. These aren't the answers you give when you know what you're talking about, it's what you say when you want the people questioning you to shut up. Capitalism is whatever it needs to be to uphold the status quo.

    btw I think you meant extinct instead of extant

  • F***skin from Korean babies used wtf
  • Huh? American TV is very Christian - sex and drugs are usually only brought up when they're being used to teach the audience a lesson about how they're sinful. It's rare when they're mentioned in another context and even more rare when they're discussed without euphemism.

  • Okay, so how does making a website work?
  • Try making one with neocities! Just throw some HTML together and you're basically a developer.

    If you see something cool on a website, you can usually right click then Inspect Element to steal that code for yourself.

  • The Dark World of Young Blood Transfusions
  • So the baby penis injection is made from circumcised foreskins right? They're not like... sticking needles into the genitals of uncircumcised babies... right??

  • Combating the "handouts" myth?
  • I feel you. I've had some success in making my family less prejudiced by explaining what they have in common with the people they're shitting on and how we could have easily been in their position. But if your mom thinks she's separate from and above everyone else then idk what you can tell her to reconsider.

  • Saw this at my school library yesterday
  • Yes!! It's important to read theory y'know

  • Combating the "handouts" myth?
  • If she's complaining about the government giving too many handouts despite being unable to name any and being on unemployment herself then the issue isn't about evidence. There's probably no amount of statistics or explaining that will change her mind.

    So what do you think is driving her to be that way? Is it just bigotry? (likely)

  • Made this earlier
  • Did you mean to write "i can't read it" for American academia?

  • Made this earlier
  • "Ambos los hacen" means "both do it". Do what? idk

    Judging by the comments here it seems like everything in that bottom part is wrong hahaha. A better translation would be "Ambos son"

  • I'm not voting for Biden
  • Biden sucks too though and no one here's gonna defend that piece of shit. COMHASH is getting dislikes for being pro-Trump instead of anti-lib

  • Oh no market forces
  • No free market? No competition? No capitalist innovation?? It's time for westerners to activate their racism in order to make sense of this.

  • Be prepared to die for the biggest showdown in the history of mankind. Lol
  • On one hand yeah, USians are the most propagandized people on Earth. But on the other hand, they're not that dumb. Recruitment rates are falling for a reason, everyone knows what the military is really for and what it's doing abroad. The people that enlist are generally those who come from military families or who want the benefits.

    Sorry if I don't sympathize with those who are ok with subjugating/murdering other people for their career. Or to make Dad proud or whatever

  • Capitalist press moment
  • The US doesn't really have dirt on China so they have to reuse stale propaganda. It's a testament to how deeply incurious (or callous) Americans are that they fall for it (or play along).

  • The Minneapolis Police: A Criminal Organization

    The Department of Justice recently released their report on the Minneapolis Police Department (the one that murdered George Floyd) and this video goes over their findings.

    It's cartoonish how brutally excessive their use of force is and how little these cops are held to account, even now. Some examples are:

    • Pursuing a woman for jaywalking then grabbing her arms behind her back and slamming her face into the curb while stating, "You play stupid games, you get stupid prizes."
    • Putting a man who was calmly walking in a park in a neck restraint and pinning him to the floor for 13 minutes (later needing intubation).
    • Shoving a peaceful protestor to the ground and causing traumatic brain injury, only to later claim that it was a "slight push" and that the protestor "walked towards [him] with her right hand up and clinched." A fellow officer corroborated this version of events despite contradictory body cam footage.

    No consequences have been enacted against the MPD yet, only proposed.

    Here's the full report.

    Education Hub Water Bowl Slime

    Reframing geopolitics from a Marxist perspective The 'globalization' myth, US hegemony, and crisis of capitalism, with Radhika Desai

    Economist Radhika Desai and Ben Norton discuss the neoliberal myth of "globalization", the contradictions of US hegemony, and the crisis of capitalism. This is part 1 in a series discussing Radhika's new book "Capitalism, Coronavirus, and War: A Geopolitical Economy". Other episodes in the series:...

    A banger conversation where Radhika Desai challenges common narratives regarding world development communistly. She made a lot of interesting arguments and I took some notes that I'm gonna share here:

    • imperialism is when nationstates manage capitalism's contradictions at the expense of subordinate territories

    • once capitalism develops in one country, other countries are forced to either become subordinate (buy their excess commodities, surrender resources) or develop themselves (protectionist, state-directed industrialization)

    • maintaining unevenness is imperialism, resisting this underdevelopment is anti-imperialism

    • global development is not the spread of markets, not the rule of successive hegemonies, but the spread of multipolarity

    • golden age of capitalism was after WWII and was actually ruined by capitalism, not caused by it

      • it came about from socialist policies that wringed monopolies: regulations, full employment, welfare, universal education, healthcare, price controls
      • neoliberalism is the rolling back of these measures to protect capitalism, prevent further socialist development

    Highly recommend you guys listen in! This video made a lot of ideas click for me.

    Btw here's a free link to her book


    A discussion on the current and future impact of US sanctions Will 2023 Be the Year of Backfiring Sanctions for the Overstretched US Empire?

    The year 2022 was defined by the war in Ukraine, the expansion of NATO, and continued encirclement of China as the U.S. prepares for “great power conflict.” But the US empire is so overstretched, that sanctions have become the favorite form of warfare— to disrupt and isolate many countries at once. ...

    Will 2023 Be the Year of Backfiring Sanctions for the Overstretched US Empire?

    I know it's a really long video (play it at 2x speed) but I thought it was fantastic and the part from 25:33-27:17 was particularly insightful:

    "The impact of sanctions on Iran or Zimbabwe or Venezuela or Syria is something that those who may oppose western governments don't really ever discuss. So imagine if instead there was a NATO attack on Iran, you would have immediate clarity of what's happening. But the impact of sanctions on the Iranian people is not something that generates any sort of political mobilization in the core. Instead, actually, what it enables is a representation of imperialist states as humanitarian states."

    "It's not like you're bringing home people in body bags. It's not like people in the US see the outcome of sanctions because it's not like CNN is going to cover the fact that Iranians of dying of rare diseases because they can't access certain pharmaceutical medications that they aren't able to produce in their own country and can't buy because of sanctions. That's all out of sight out of mind ... you'll have almost no public backlash"


    The Pentagon has failed its audit for the 5th time in a row The Pentagon Audit: Assets Gone Missing

    The Pentagon – the U.S. “Defense” Department – was just audited for the fifth time. And they just announced they failed for the fifth time. If that’s not

    The Pentagon Audit: Assets Gone Missing

    They straight up can't locate 61% of their assets, including weapons, planes, ships, and even buildings. In total, this amounts to several TRILLIONS of dollars since 1998 that are completely unaccounted for.




    History of US Sanctions Against Zimbabwe The Truth About U.S. Sanctions Against Zimbabwe

    The U.S. just levied new sanctions against Zimbabwe. While the media hardly mentioned them, the US & EU have sanctioned Zimbabwe for 21 years. BT's Kei Pritsker explains the devastating sanctions and how they punish the country simply for reclaiming land for the Black majority.

    In these pressing times, the magnanimous United States has decided to celebrate the holiday season by imposing some new sanctions against Zimbabwe. This vid explains the long history of Zimbabwean debt to western powers.

    P.S. It's so difficult to find more information about this because literally no one is reporting on it. This press release from the US Treasury is all I got.


    What Are Women?

    An insightful video assessing the origins of our modern western genders and why defining womanhood is such a contentious dispute. (this video is over 40 minutes long but it was so interesting I didn't even notice)


    Ukraine to Syria: How Imperialism & Sabotage Divided the Western Left for 100 years, w/ Ben Norton

    The war in Ukraine has caused a split recently among leftists and this video discusses the history of similar splits. It's very long, but the first 20 minutes are particularly relevant so I recommend watching through at least that much on 2x speed.


    Deep Dive into the Gender Critical Cult

    ⚠️ Content warning for transphobia, homophobia, misogyny, ableism, and racism ⚠️

    This video series is an investigation of the anti-trans "gender critical" cult. It details how they recruit people, abuse children, and manipulate the public.

    Apologies for the serious topic, but I think comrades here would appreciate Caelan's videos!

    Ask Comrades Water Bowl Slime

    What's the difference between Xism and X thought?

    Like, Maoism/Mao Zedong thought or Dengism/Deng Xiaoping thought. This distinction seems to matter but I don't understand why.

    Ask Comrades Water Bowl Slime

    What are the origins of the phrase "critical support"?

    I see people talk about it a lot, but I can't find much information about who coined the phrase and what it actually means. It would be much appreciated if someone could post some theory on the subject!


