This is why I can't trust people who love Joe Rogan. I say that as a fan from the 2000s when he was doing Fear Factor/NewsRadio.
He rarely challenges the people he brings into the studio that need to be challenged. Like he'll bring in a climate scientist and a climate denier, and spend most of his energy attempting to debunk the scientist or challenge their thinking. The denier, he'll make jokes and politely agree.
He's The View for men who struggle with having a personality.
from the 2000s when he was doing Fear Factor/NewsRadio.
Fun fact, Ray Romano (of 'Everybody Loves Raymond' fame) was originally cast as the station's handyman on NewsRadio but was let go before the pilot because producers felt his comedic timing wasn't quick enough to keep up with the rest of the cast. When Joe Rogan was hired to replace him they retooled the character based on his standup routine from the time... Which was basically just ranting about drugs and conspiracy theories on stage.
That's the only reason the Joe Garrelli character was a conspiracy theorist. So when people tell you "Joe Rogan used to be reasonable" they don't know what they're talking about. He was barely acting on that show. He's always been a contrarian meathead conspiracy theorist.
Oh he was always that. He was just very authentic in being that guy, especially early on in his podcast. What made his podcast interesting a decade ago is it was often just comedians telling stories. Sort of a Tough Crowd with Colin Quinn vibe usually.