I love when a God type peeks in from heaven, from time to time, performs a technology review with his main human peeps, and together they conclude a VPN is probably bad for the community / personal development / a deeper connection with said God etc.
The title is (kind of) clickbait. It's actually just been ruled that using a VPN to access blocked content is against Sharia law. But fuck if that headline isn't funny
Pakistan's top advisory body on religious affairs, the Council of Islamic Ideology, declared that using virtual private networks (VPNs) to access blocked content is against Islamic law.
The government is pushing users to register VPNs with the state's media regulator, ostensibly to enhance cybersecurity and fight terrorism, but critics say it increases online surveillance and curbs freedom of expression.
The government claims VPNs are being used to access "immoral and porn websites" and to facilitate "violent activities and financial transactions" by terrorists.
Opponents of the restrictions say the increased push to control online activities is aimed at curbing criticism of the Pakistani military.
The government has announced a "streamlined" VPN registration process, but experts say it allows authorities to track online activities and limit privacy.
The nationwide internet regulation tool acquired from China increases the Pakistani state's capability to monitor communications, raising concerns about data breaches and online security.