A video from 7 years ago by CGP Grey that talks about how democracy and dictatorships run and I find it an interesting look at the general politics and how it effects how a country is run when compared to today's landscape
While the video is a good summary of the framing of the book (the selectorate theory of politics), I still recommend reading the book if you find the topic interesting. They go into a bunch of case studies on how you can apply the framing in wildly different circumstances, and make a very compelling case for how increasing the numbers of participants in a system improves the outcomes for everyone involved.
I think there's 2 kinds of people. One kind reads or watches this and thinks "this is horrible and this system should be abolished", while the other kind thinks "I need to screw others over so I can retain what power I have, and try increase it". The second kind includes the "temporarily financially embarrassed" who see socialism as a terrible thing even if it would benefit them.
Something that i think is important to understand about this, and while Grey does mention it, its brief and towards the end, is that this framework isn't unique to governments. These patterns show up in human organization at basically every level.
So I'm going to push back on the idea that
this is horrible and this system should be abolished
Depending on what "this system" means to you.
I think it's much more useful to understand the incentives at play and build systems that minimize the damage consolidated power can do, and limit the ability for power to accumulate. That is... very much easier said than done, but I think it's needed effort.
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