I haven't had shingles, and my appendix lasted until I could get it out, but I am with you on the kidney stones.
I've had 5 or 6 kidney stones and "the big one" has been harmlessly hiding in my kidneys for a few years. Every time, I think I'm going to power through the pain because the ER only gives you like one or two doses of Toradol and sends you on your way with FlowMax and useless NSAIDs which I can just get off the shelf. I've never powered through the pain. Every time I wind up paying like $250 for 4-6 hours of relief.
To this, I'll add I've had migraines that made me want to drill holes in my skull. They've been bad enough that if I'd had a gun, I'd have used it. I'm not saying they hurt more or less than kidney stones, but I can't tolerate headache pain like that. It's the difference between "my back is in agony" and "existing is agony."
I got 2 hits of morphine and when that didn't do fuck all for my kidney stone, they gave me ketamine. Can't believe you couldn't get anything stronger, that sucks.
I guess I shouldn't have said every time. The last two or three times (still used to try to power through just to not go to the ER). They used to give me Vicodin or Dilaudid, but they've gotten super stingy with opioids. Which I understand but for freaking kidney stones???
I get opioids are a big problem for some people but back in the days of over-prescription I'd have spares for years that could help when my back went out or something. I was a very responsible user, frequently not taking them as soon as I could bear the pain without them. They need to get back to a middle ground or find less addicting medicine that works as well.
Damn. Glad there wasn't any vision loss. Yeah I had shingles before too and got treated pretty quick, but it was definitely freaky reading how it could spread to your eyes and cause permanent damage.