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Rant: These "trying sekiro for the first time" youtubers are fucking lying weasels

Context. I'm new to sekiro. This is my first soulsborne/from soft/miyazaki game. It took me 30 odd tries to get past the first miniboss who teaches you about perilous attacks. Now I'm getting skullfucked by six mooks and a troll with a hammer who think its perfectly ok to gang up on me.I decided to look for a few youtube videos of new sekiro players also facing difficulty and slowly overcoming them so I dont feel like I'm just bad, and that the struggle is normal. But EVERY single one of them seems to have their parry timing down pat, they're blazing through the game, 2-3 tries on minibosses, there is NO shot this is their first playthrough.What am I missing? I'm just really trying to get better at this game (and I can see myself slowly improve), but god damn. "first time playing sekiro" my ass.Rant over, you may now tell me to git gud and/or kms.EDIT: Got past the part that was frustrating me. Stealth'd ALL the way through lmao.

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