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Star Citizen Live Gamedev: Making Ship Up IV-2

This was an interesting one because they showed us the feedback process for initial concepts that the vehicle team work on.

Tap for Notable Information by Hencaric

Devs: Alberto Petronio (Lead Concept Artist) & Dan McCabe (Senior Vehicle Artist)

Notable Information:
➣ This SCL did not contain any development or game news.
➣ This week in the followup to last week's SCL, Alberto and Dan went through a mock of the feedback process but instead with the vehicle they previously designed.
➣ The feedback process takes place following the creation of a ship, vehicle, asset, etc. and it goes up the chain to catch things that need changed, removed, or updated.
➣ This part of the process is where considerations for how long it could take or how much work will be needed to accomplish the goal.
➣ While this episode did not have any development or game news it was a good opportunity to visualize what considerations are made when designing new vehicles or ships.