That's a lot of holes! I'm not a roofer. But I'd say ideally replace, unideally cut some aluminium squares and silicone them on top of each hole from the inside.
4 0 ReplyYea..people are such fucking idiots! Hope climate change / global warming wipes everyone out lol. I am so pissed!
2 2 ReplyHahaha! So many odd things on this house! What yobo did you buy this thing off!?!
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If it's a gutter the quickest fix will be wait for a dry day and hit each hole with some silicone caulk.
3 0 ReplyWhy the hell did they decide to drill holes in the gutter? I really want to know the thought process behind that. Are they speed holes?
3 0 Replyis it a gutter?
2 0 ReplyGuttering is cheap, the roofer is expensive. I've done a few bits and pieces over the years as a novice and it's worked but it's been ugly as fuck.
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