Transcription: White text on black background with the anarchist logo at the top reading "True freedom begins when everyone starts listening to everyone else". At the bottom left corner is a signature "ee/u/val".
Not everyone is open to help. Likewise, you seem to be writing in the abstract. Or what exactly should a jewish or PoC hear when the neo-nazi is talking about their extermination?
I recently heard "Freedom is the availability of choice." This not only feels like the correct definition, it also includes how poverty strips freedom away by limiting choice. When we say freedom we typically mean political freedom, but I think we should adapt this definition so we can also include economic freedoms.
The anarchists will argue against wealth redistribution because it takes (forcefully via taxes) money from the richer, thus committing a larger sin of anti-freedom than giving this economic freedom for the poorer. You can not make forcefully responsible one person for another person freedoms in anarchism.
Anarchists argue that capitalism is an oppressive hierarchy that should be dismantled. That the ruling class is using money as a tool to oppress the poor and restrict their freedom.
Anarchism is a leftist/socialist way of thought. It does not protect the rich.
Any anarchist who protects the rich is an oxymoron. Like the "anarcho-capitalists".
If this is sarcasm, then this is a conflict of terms that I thought about including in the meme but decided against for a snappier message. Listening can be read as either "obeying" or "hearing out". This meme was made with the "hearing out" meaning in mind.
If its not and you use that meaning of listen then Yeah, Ain't that great.