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Tamilnadu mindaslab

99.99% of engineers are going to be junk 99.99% of engineers are going to be junk

Saw in News today that 1.3 Lakh Tamils are applying for the course of engineering. It startled me. I thought people would be aware that Engineering colleges are junk, in fact student goes in and comes out even forgetting the calculus he learned in 11th and 12th standard.

  • Why use some super dodgy looking link shortener if you’re just linking to github

    Think why don’t things last, and why things cannot be repaired easily, though we claim we are progressing technically? Think why our lives are difficult than our grandparents?

    What is this dumbfuck take?

    Things can’t be repaired easily because well paid, highly skilled engineers are told by business management to build hardware that way. Its not some lack of education or ability.

    How are lives more difficult than grandparents?

    • If I had to be honest, that blog is absolute trash. I'm assuming that OP is the author. It's filled with casual bigotry towards vulnerable groups from North India, especially Biharis, stereotyping of fellow Southern folks and patriarchal misandry.

      And the unhinged Tamil nationalism just rubs me off as a Tuluva who has to face cultural and language erasure from Kannada and Malayali imposition, like the other minority groups in the South. Seriously, if there's so much paranoia towards Hindi imposition, maybe you all need a reflection on yourself first, and look at the imminent damage you majoritarian folks are doing within your own territory first.