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mindaslab mindaslab
Posts 152
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Free Software mindaslab How A.I will make every software a Free Software

I was watching Richard Stallman interview on Youtube, it was sad how evil capitalists destroyed the hacker culture and brought in the reign of proprietary software. Most software we use, like in our phones and computers or other gadgets, hide something malicious. We are unable to see and reverse eng...

telugu mindaslab Shameful swearing in ceremony of Chandrababu Naidu

Chandrababu Naidu, 13th CM of Andhrapradesh

Tamilnadu mindaslab Fascist DMK attacks journalistic freedom in Tamilnadu

I saw a video where a Netherlands politician was speaking how Islam is incompatible with democracy and European values, his remarks were tolerated in Europe. In Europe, I think they have draw Muhammad day, where people draw pictures of prophet Muhammad. For some reason Muslims don’t like the picture...

Tamilnadu mindaslab 99.99% of engineers are going to be junk

Saw in News today that 1.3 Lakh Tamils are applying for the course of engineering. It startled me. I thought people would be aware that Engineering colleges are junk, in fact student goes in and comes out even forgetting the calculus he learned in 11th and 12th standard.

Free Software mindaslab

Kanipaan Loves GNU

Pedestal 2 - Query parameters in Pedestal
  • Yes, its one of my todo, will sure do.

  • Thread first and thread last in Clojure
  • Somehow I like the language.