The artist may be alexiela-art on Deviant Art
22 0 ReplyDoesn't look very much like the rest of their style, but maybe. Should I credit them?
9 1 ReplyIt's the oldest (2007) source I could find. None of the artist arts contain a signature on so maybe
13 0 Reply
I feel like I don't understand that last panel. Or maybe the one before it, either. Yabba dabba do not.
10 0 ReplyCourage sees the organs the other characters are holding and assumes his organs are about to get torn out by the lion.
21 0 ReplyThe dog is named Courage and is, ironically, also cowardly.
12 0 ReplySpecifically, it's this one:
5 0 Reply
Love it! It’s better without the last two panels, though.
15 6 ReplyYou can't have Courage in a cartoon and not scare it to death.
19 0 Reply
Did they drain the life out of courage in the last panel?
3 0 ReplyThat's just something that Courage does.
4 0 Reply
Kobeni (from Chainsaw Man) is just Courage in human form.
3 0 Reply