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Why do comments from users not appear until 4 days later? Why do comments from users not appear until 4 days later? - Aussie Zone

It’s a recurring issue and has been for weeks now. The most recent one I noticed was this comment [], which despite being tagged 4 days ago, only just recently appeared in my inbox. A while ago it was only 2 days, but the problem seems to be getting worse and worse...

Posted a query in the LW support channel to see if anyone there has any idea.

  • I just realised this was happening and is a tech issue rather than an engagement with Lemmy as a platform issue. I wish it was fixed.

    • This is actually a really bad problem because I thought that certain communities I am a member of are quite active but coming in from, they look completely dead. It was making me start to switch off from Lemmy.

  • All of the communities I follow are showing weird imo. All the posts still appear on my feed but with a single upvote and no comments.

    It’s a bit of a shame because a lot of the more active communities I’m subscribed to are ones so it’s not as easy as finding alternatives.

    • It's actually gotten to the point where it's not uncommon for me to specifically navigate to a post on LW just to see if there are comments I'm missing. And if I want to reply, I go in and search for that comment's URL in the search, which forces it to federate faster.

  • I haven't noticed any issues, but used to have lots of downtime right after the ban of third party apps on Reddit when I switched because too many users went there, they are probably still a bit overloaded.

  • I've noticed they're now only coming through over a week later. Upvotes are the same story - I made a post on a community and it didn't show as having any upvotes or comments until today

  • Oh, have you noticed syncproblems with other instances as well?

    Thanks for sharing, idid not know that was a problem with the lemmy verse!

    • I've only ever noticed it with LW. There's a post on [email protected] (actually, two posts) about it, as well as an older one on [email protected].

      • Yeah. This has been happening to me too for quite a while.

        It makes me feel bad because someone from LW replies to a post I make and from their PoV I basically just ignore them