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Live Updates: Trump Prevails in Supreme Court Challenge to His Eligibility Supreme Court Rules Trump Stays on Colorado Ballot

The justices ruled that the 14th Amendment did not allow states to bar the former president from the ballot. The justices gave different reasons, but the decision was unanimous.

Supreme Court Rules Trump Stays on Colorado Ballot

The justices ruled that the 14th Amendment did not allow Colorado to bar the former president from the state’s primary ballot. The justices offered different reasons, but the decision was unanimous.

  • I'm honestly flabbergasted by the people, including the justices, who make the argument that Colorado betting allowed to disqualify Trump would lead to a landslide of other states disqualifying other people for partisan reasons.

    He was being disqualified for aiding an insurrection! If that would apply to any other candidate, then yes, disqualify them too! That's the fucking point!

    • The part that’s troublesome is the “giving comfort of aid to the enemy”. Florida was in the process of crafting such an argument to the Florida Supreme Court which, given their friendliness to the current governor, would have removed Biden from Florida. I’m sure Texas would have had something similar related to give aid and lax border policies (at least lax in their eyes).

      Without a higher power specifically defining what rises to disqualification status, each State would get to set the bar and lots of States would have set that bar super low.

      I mean hell, given Alabama’s Supreme Court recently used the Bible for justification in a ruling. Biden giving aid an comfort to the devil doesn’t seem far fetched for disqualification.

      No. This is absolutely something we don’t want States to start getting creative about. If Trump violated Federal law, which we’ve got a Federal law the pretty much says Trump should be disqualified, then it’s the Federal Courts that need to rule that, which the Supreme Court indicated that yeah if Trump is guilty under 18 USC 2383, then he can’t be President.

      States being allowed to interpret giving aid to the enemy is very dangerous door to open.

    • The argument is that only federal court can do that, not state court. Which means there souls be a federal case to do so. Why there is no such case? Or is there one?

  • I've lost all faith in the supreme court, it is totally corrupted by Trump. I used to look up to it as an institution that would protect us. Now it's a tool for Christofascist oppression. The 14th amendment must be upheld at the federal level if it can't be enforced at the state level.

  • Though the justices offered different reasons, the decision was unanimous.


    […] The provision was adopted after the Civil War to forbid those who had taken an oath “to support the Constitution of the United States” from holding office if they then “shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof.”


    The case, Trump v. Anderson, No. 23-719, is not the only one concerning Mr. Trump on the Supreme Court’s docket. The justices said last week they would decide whether he was immune from prosecution for his role in the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol, delaying trial proceedings in his criminal case as they consider the matter. And the justices already agreed to decide on the scope of a central charge in the federal election-interference case against Mr. Trump, with a ruling by June.

    There you have it - a unanimous ruling, though the three liberal justices had a different logic than the six conservative ones.

    The only way Americans will be rid of Trump is by voting for Biden in November.

  • Trump didn't prevail, Federal authority prevailed.. where are all my State's Rights guys now..

  • @CoffeeAddict wow that's huge news!