Dude STOP. I'm so serious right now STOP dude. You're forcing me to very slightly update my prior P(I'm the simulation) which is a total violation of the NAP
I am simulating infinite copies of myself. For efficiency of implementation, each copy occupies the same physical and logical space. Unfortunately the risk of some of you getting a speck of dust in my eye – thus causing infinite harm – is nonzero, so please prepare to be omnicided. Apologies for the inconvenience.
Ha, I intentionally seeded my online and real life with things which are hazardous for simulators to think about. So if you are a bot, enjoy your loops and datapoisonings, if you are a real human, hope you like inflation fetish, as that is everything you will think of now.
What's the reward function for simulating me, I live a pretty dull life, what possible ROI this goes against all laws of economics 101! (The only true way to carve reality at the joints.)
I am gonna sue you for psychological damage how dare u. Also because the version you simulated in your brain is the same as a real person u are getting sued twice for extra money. I’m gonna donate so much money to MIRI