How to increase available shrink space? Advice needed
There seems to be plenty of free space on the SSD but there are unmovable files. So I deleted pagefiles etc, which increased available shrink space from 34000ish MB to 79000ish MB before it somehow decreased back to 58459 MB. GParted Live on USB (with laptop safe boot option disabled) did not work, so I am wondering if there's a way to locate and delete the unmovable $DATA file in question. Besides, can y'all recommend some decent software that address this issue please? Thanks in advance :D
I’ve run into this before, it’s mainly that windows is bad at identifying “unmovable” files. Just delete it as described in that link, try the shrink again, and recreate after.
Usual caveats apply: no guarantees, make sure there’s backups or no critical info on the system, if this messes up your system it’s on you, etc.
GParted and most Linux distros wont touch a hibernated Windows NTFS disk. Unfortunately by default Windows saves its kernel in hibernation files on shutdown to shave a few seconds off boot, this anti-fearure is called Fast Startup/Boot.
When Windows hibernates it make gparted and other partitioning tools default to read only mode when mounting NTFS partition.
I believe you can run ntfsfix /dev/sda2 (replacing sda2 with the drive name, see fdisk -l for names of drives) to resolve this from a terminal in gparted and other OSes.
You can also try to disable Fast Startup.
For partitioning, EaseUS has a great partitioning tool (Windows only) that works well with Windows partitions, it fails with anything more advanced than Ext2.
Defragging is the fix for this, but that's not available on SSDs.
You'd need a dedicated partition management program to work around this issue. There is one major caveat - this could negatively affect the life of the SSD due to something called write amplification.
Personally I would suggest using another disk if you have one available...