disclaimer: This sandstone building is inspired by a map from a ww2 fps called Enlisted. I post stuff here as some sort of online backup of my nooby progress.
Lemme know if I am doing anything wrong if you downvoted please. I am sorry
To all people downvoting: Why would you downvote an image of electronic components in a technology sub of all places? It's not like user karma's a thing here anyway.
It's a SONY remote control
yup can confirm aomei partition assistant (free version) works smoothly on my machine
Tysm! It works and rn i have 77.5 ish G free shrink space! I'll try to see if $Mft::$DATA can be removed without messing up
Thanks! I'll give it a try
additional info This is what happens when Gparted live USB is selected during boot, any fix pls
How to increase available shrink space? Advice needed
There seems to be plenty of free space on the SSD but there are unmovable files. So I deleted pagefiles etc, which increased available shrink space from 34000ish MB to 79000ish MB before it somehow decreased back to 58459 MB. GParted Live on USB (with laptop safe boot option disabled) did not work, so I am wondering if there's a way to locate and delete the unmovable $DATA file in question. Besides, can y'all recommend some decent software that address this issue please? Thanks in advance :D !
i decided to move a village inside this easternbloc-esque apartment building because it's way easier to defend. The 2 raids i completed so far have been effortless since I can simply snipe invaders with my power V bow.
this poor thing somehow managed to jump inside of glass block 🤔
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UOUX5f42vAo possibly related, it covers several common clock designs in detail including the etho clock
In multiplayer i've seen people trap mobs in glass as mascots of some sort. Is there a way to reproduce this glitch?
PSA: how to give your villager insomnia
i used 2 sticky piston and it ran non-stop. Was what i build a clock as well?
yup fixed! i forgor one of them has to be a regular piston for it to not go non-stop. Thanks a lot
why does it keep running?
It's supposed to be a adjustable pulse extender that prolongs the signal depending on how many stuff there are inside the hoppers, but it keeps going nonstop?
try MiniHUD mod if you want more info on mob cap and more!
some slight modifications later... now i have (1) A calibrated version that only picks up player/mob movement noises (2) A quieter and more compact version
Thanks for the suggestion! I refrained from using more than 1 observer cuz it's a proof of concept machine i wanna use in survival mode to grind emeralds from the librarian. Does it look better, or did i leave something to be desired
advise needed
my automatic sugarcane farm seems kinda slow, how do i improve this design
version is 1.20.1
need help with 2 by 2 redstone automatic door optimization
redstone newbie here, my old design closes too early so i created this ugly contraption. I have a feeling that improvements are possible, but not sure how. please advise