Anyone have experience with locally run alternatives to this kind of device? Voice recognition technology has gotten pretty good by now, it should be possible
That being said, it's neat, and I'm running both the tts and stt locally on my Home Assistant server! No Internet access at all, entirely local! It's remarkable.
If you want to see what I mean, you can setup tts and stt on your Home Assistant without buying the hardware device and just talk to it with your phone and the app installed. You'll see it's kind of slow to respond and really gets hung up trying to parse the commands.
I don't regret getting the hardware, it's really neat, but I'm not going to rush to get any more at this time. I'll wait a while for the software side to catch up.
Someone posted a build where they modded Google home mini, but that required a custom PCB. I can only assume it would be the same or more difficult with an Amazon device.
I've looked into and honestly they cover most of what people use the listening device for. Only issue is that they can be a bit slow and are often quite expensive. Haven't checked in over a year though and tech like this can advance quickly.
We've gotten too used to the price of tech being so low because we're almost always the product. The Meta VR headsets, Alexa, Google Home, anything where data from us can be harvested, they'll gladly subsidize to help get it into our homes.
I'm really hoping the HA voice stuff keeps getting better and better, we need it if we're ever going to get people away from these data harvesting "assistants"