They had a hell of a run, and while I'd like to see more, I'm really in it for the direction. If the director goes another route and starts a new franchise or keeps it going Ballerina and moved past Reeves, I'm ok with that. I think he's a rare artist that gives action movies what they've lost, and I'm here for it.
The first movie was great and not too completely unbelievable. But every movie got a bit more outlandish. By the 4th, the bullet proof suits went full on fantasy land and Keanu got up like 7 different times from things that would have killed a person. 4 was a fun flick to watch, but it's time to let him rest.
I wouldn't like to see more. I had stopped after two, but decided to watch them all recently. The first is amazing. Two is fine, but starts getting weird. For a franchise that succeeded because of its realistic portrayal of firearm usage, the magic really starts ramping up here. Three and four are strange considering where the series started. They're alright action flicks I guess, but I didn't really care for them. I don't see any need for more.