Grim Dawn; ARPG from 2016, currently on sale for a few $ on steam. Very well rated with solid story, mechanics, and campaign focus (instead of more on seasons and grind).
Very good ARPG with tons of depth to build making and a nice dark fantasy theme. One half of my favorite Diablo-likes, the other being the much simpler and more casual Torchlight 2.
I just purchased Grim Dawn this morning. It's on deep discount and I figured it wouldn't hurt my feelings if I didn't get around to playing it for awhile. I haven't started it up yet, got too many other things on my plate and several other games ahead in my queue of things I want to play.
I've been playing persona 5 Royal for the past 2 months, i'm finally in the last hours and loving as much as the start, can't recommend this game more, it's my favorite game so far
I do hope so, i know there's still a good amount of content, but the game is finally starting to close up the main story, and 10/15 hours in a 100+ hours game is still the final hours for me
Will I enjoy Persona 5 if I didn't like all the grinding in Persona 4? I liked the cutscenes, the characters, the gameplay, the music but at some point you just keep doing the same dungeon over and over again and I just quit there.
P5 ditches the procedurally generated dungeons, so each main dungeon feels different. There's still a procedurally generated one to do side quests in, though.
As someone who plays on normal and try to rush the dungeons a best as i can, i haven't really farm on this game up until now, but because of that some bosses are a real challenge with in my opinion is a great thing. And remember the easy mode is there for a reason, you don't need to shy away from using if you just wanna to enjoy the story without dedicating too much in the battle system
The website gives a non spoiler intro into the world of ys, as well the best order(s) to play rest of the games. Their discord is also active, if you have questions.
They're pretty good and fun. Shadow starts to get to be a bit of a slog though, especially if you play each game right after the other. It's still pretty good though, it has the best gameplay of the trilogy (you can FINALLY sprint in that one).
Not sure if it counts as a patient game, but I've just started Persona 3 Reload (the original game came out in 2006 and I never played it, so maybe that's acceptable?)
I love how stylish everything is - the music, UI and animations. So pretty. The story has quite a different vibe from the other persona games I've played too.
Dragon Age Origins. It's definitely a bit rough to play on steam deck without proper controller support, but after playing Veilguard, I want to see what I've been missing these last 15 years.
Hmm for patient games I'm playing now... Does Super Robot Wars V count? I feel like I've mentioned it in several weekly threads already.
I'll also mention NFSU2 with the modpack, then.
Just picked up Radiant Historia the other day and it's been a surprise. The soundtrack especially has been 10/10 so far, no notes. I really should play more games Shimomura's scored.
I got the Tomb Raider Legend trilogy for less than $3 cause I just finished playing the reboot trilogy after spending $10 for all three of those and their DLCs.
I started with Anniversary, but went back and started Legend because the order is apparently Legend, Anniversary, then Underworld. I'm kinda into it so far. I get why these adventure/mercenary type games are so popular and people kept making them with Uncharted and such.
It really makes me want to play the new Indiana Jones game that just came out. It looks great and I've been hearing nothing but good things.
Recently got Far Cry 5/3/New Dawn when they all went hella on sale in a bundle. I play 5 with my sister when she's free, and have been soloing New Dawn in the meantime. Fell in love with the series all over again. Last Far Cry game I really played was Blood Dragon.
I loved Far Cry 3. I haven’t played it in years and never finished it, but always enjoyed messing around with it and I did get a fair ways through the story. I can’t remember much of it now, but I might play it again in the near future. It’s the only Far Cry game I’ve tried
I highly recommend Blood Dragon if you enjoyed 3. It's one giant love letter to 80s pop-culture and action movies. New Dawn has been nice because it feels like an updated Blood Dragon experience.
I have had it in my Steam library for years at this point and I have tried to pick it up and play it many times in the past. My attempts to get into it never worked out.
Earlier this year I remember reading some posts comparing Doom and Doom Eternal (plus there's been some excitement about the new Doom game in development), so based on that, I decided to give Eternal another chance. Still wasn't getting into the game but I remembered reading suggestions that Doom is a little more laid back and more of a take it at your own pace kind of game. So, once again I fired it up, and it drew me in this time.
It really helps that this is the first time I've tried playing it on the Steam Deck. Not only does it run decently well on the hardware, this is the first game I've played that takes advantage of the gyroscopic aiming. That has vastly improved my enjoyment since it makes aiming so much easier for me and takes a lot of the frustration out of the battles for me.
I don't get much time to game, so I probably won't be finishing the game for awhile. After I'm done, I may give Eternal another try. Then again, I've been itching for some Resident Evil game play and I have several of those waiting for my attention.
I think the newest Doom game I’ve completed was Doom 2, but I’d like to try out the new ones. I bought them on steam, they’re in my backlog, maybe I’ll check them out soon. A friend of mine says Eternal is his all-time favourite game
From what I gather, the general consensus is that Doom Eternal is the better of the two most current (at this time) Doom games. That opinion is fairly consistent from reviews and posts I've read.
Doom Eternal is a go-go-go-go-go never stop moving always be shooting kind of game, as far as I can tell. IIRC there are even in-game hints that pretty much say "don't sit still". I'm just a super casual occasional gamer, so the always under attack game play in Eternal is a bit much while I'm also grappling with learning the controls since I don't really play first person shooters.
So for that reason, Doom is currently a better fit for me and my preferences. The game play is broken up into exploration that's punctuated with enemy encounters. And the encounters are largely set-up so that I can take on enemies at my own pace. Slower, more calculated, gives me time to think things through and consider strategy.
Also for some reason, the gyroscopic aiming wasn't enabled by default on the Steam Deck when I tried Doom Eternal. There are some settings I can adjust that are supposed to enable it, but I haven't spent much time testing those out. If I can make those work for me, then I suspect I'll have a much better experience with Eternal than I've had thus far.
I just started Mass Effect Legendary Edition a few weeks ago on steamdeck. I'm somewhere in ME2 currently and really enjoying it. I played the original ME back in the day but never finished it. This time I plan to finish the whole trilogy.
Nearly done with Trails in the Sky. Apparently it's getting a remake in 2025, which I guess might make it more attractive to Kids These Days, but really I suspect is money and effort that could have been better spent elsewhere—the remastered version is pretty good IMO