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Test of a prototype quantum internet runs under New York City for half a month Test of a prototype quantum internet runs under New York City for half a month

To introduce quantum networks into the marketplace, engineers must overcome the fragility of entangled states in a fiber cable and ensure the efficiency of signal delivery. Now, scientists at Qunnect Inc. in Brooklyn, New York, have taken a large step forward by operating just such a network under t...

Test of a prototype quantum internet runs under New York City for half a month

Test of a prototype quantum Internet runs underneath New York City for half a month

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Test of a prototype quantum internet runs under New York City for half a month

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  • Sabine Hossenfelder has a PhD in Physics and gives some good information about what quantum internet is, and what it is not:

    Basically, this is not a means of transferring data faster than the speed of light.

    It does allow for an ultra secure connection, but that connection is so fragile and susceptible to noise that this would not be useful for transferring any large amounts of data.

    Most likely this would be used for exchanging keys/tokens which could then be used with a more reliable connection for transmitting larger amounts of data.