If I stop drinking does that decrease risk of cancer?
I’ve been drinking for 7 years. Typicall I’ve only drank 3-4 drinks a year. If I stop drinking now, would that help decrease chances of cancer? If it does will it take a long time?
Drinking alcohol doesn't cause cancer. It destroys your liver. And it would need more like 4 times a week (depending on how much you drink every night).
Lol. Okay. Your risk of getting cancer doubles (or becomes three times) if you drink 1,5l of beer or half a liter of wine daily?! four and a half cans/small bottles of beer each day? who does that? at that point i'd be afraid of becoming an alcoholic.
yeah okay. maybe people aren't afraid of becoming an alcoholic. i mainly drink on weekends and maybe on a few weekdays for example when it's summer and warm.
Idk ... I worry about cancer like when i eat beef or order a pizza with salami. Both things that also cause cancer.
But okay, don't drink too much alcohol.
Edit: What i wanted to say is: Don't live your life in constant fear. Plenty things around you cause cancer. And life always ends in death. But i think that shouldn't stop you from enjoying life. You're allowed to occasionally drink or eat beef if you want. The risk is very small, as long as you don't do it excessively.
My parents are perfect examples. 1700 hits and it's cocktail time, have a couple before dinner, wine with dinner, and often after dinner drinks as well.