Mostly the "every night" part. There are only about 6 days a month when women can get pregnant iirc. And unless she's getting a random train of dudes, there's pretty significant diminishing returns on repeated loads (not that they hurt, mind you). It's just kind of a childish comparison.
Well that's complicated. A LOT of people who can get pregnant don't have regular cycles, don't have predictable ovulation, don't know or have all the regular signs of ovulation, etc, that make tracking fertile periods tough. They are also people who bleed during ovulation, or have sporadic bleeding throughout their cycle, or bleed frequently from sex, all of which can confound predicting ovulation.
If you are trying to be efficient about it and/or are having difficulties. For the majority of people, forgoing birth control and doing it every other day is more than enough to get pergnant.
Responded above but mostly the "every night" bit. That's not how cycles work. Not saying a woman can't be getting constant creampies but that's not exactly automatic when someone is trying for a baby.