I'm sure they're terribly appreciative of you referring to them as "unhoused" so you can feel just a tiny bit morally superior to those that just call them homeless 😂
I think bums deserve respect and kindness from all of us. A lot of the time bums suffer from mental health issues caused by shame and trauma and that needs to be addressed with care and humility. These are human beings and how we treat our most vulnerable is a greater reflection of how we treat each other as a society. We need to help bums not only out of kindness but out of respect for society and ourselves as a whole.
And that rotation is pointless in they eyes of most. The important thing is that if being houseless is a crime then society owes these people a fucking house. You can't criminalise extistence.
The only “crime” happening here is from the people who made this law., they should be put in jail. I cannot see how it’s not a crime against humanity - literally criminalising existence/bad luck
When I was homeless I definitely had less home. Arguably, I was occasionally "housed". I will always prefer "homeless" because to me it's the "home" part that mattered, not the "house".
Probably unpopular opinion: The only people who care if you say "unhoused" vs "homeless" are those who are either not themselves "unhoused" or "homeless" or are "unhoused" by some degree of choice and have the luxury of being less "unhoused" in the future.