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71% Of People Say Government Should Not Intervene In Trans Youth Care, New South Carolina Poll Says 71% Of People Say Government Should Not Intervene In Trans Youth Care, New SC Poll Says

In a major poll of South Carolina registered voters, 71% of South Carolina voters, including a majority of Republicans, believe the government should stay out of trans youth care.

71% Of People Say Government Should Not Intervene In Trans Youth Care, New SC Poll Says

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  • Conservatives dont care for what other people care, want or need.

    They only start caring once their own children come of the closet. Not a minute earlier

    • That's just not true. I know a lot of conservatives who aren't bad people and do care about others, but are misguided in how to achieve that. There are some genuinely vile conservatives, of course, but generalizing like that is dehumanizing.

      • So is judging and regulating away healthcare for others.

        I don't care how nice someone might be if they're currently harming someone else. You should extend your sympathy to the strangers they harm before the conservatives themselves...

        • I have been directly affected by these kinds of bills. I have been through hell and back because of them. I know the harm that they do. Of course I care deeply about the people who are affected by these bills.

          My point is that you're generalizing and dehumanizing a large population of people. "Conservative" has a thousand definitions and is dependent on the person. It's like saying "liberal," where that can mean anything from anarcho-communist to a clintonite. Do I heavily disagree with most conservative beliefs? Yes. Do I think that people can change and grow as people? Absolutely. Those two things can be true at the same time. Life isn't black and white. How the hell are we going to stop this trans panic without education, activism, and believing others can change?

          • They only start caring once their own children come of the closet. Not a minute earlier

            Is that a generalization though? Seems like if there's an exception then it proves the rule. Conservatism isn't an aesthetic choice, it is a belief structure that hierarchies are not just good, but they should be set in stone.

            OP isn't stating they can't change, but it has to personally happen to them in order for them to get perspective. That means the education or activism has to come from someone they already care about for it to matter. This is why when my ultra conservative Dad visits, we all go as a family to the most queer Church in town.