Thank God there is that recent folder you can access in the "Home" thing, whatever that means. 9 times out of 10 it's in my Documents folder. Who the fuck wants a Documents folder? I put documents in a file structure according to where they belong. Downloads is the pit of the forgotten.
Yeah but isn't my desktop the place I want to keep things? For example, do I want the documents about my 2022 taxes kept apart from my folder on my 2022 taxes? No. I want all related files in one place. Not in my Documents.
You can keep all the documents relating to your 2022 taxes in a subdirectory somewhere inside the Documents. For example, mine are located in Documents/Finances/Taxes/2022 . Why would one want them floating around on a cluttered desktop?
Does the wallpaper make it more visually navigable? Because that’s certainly the only big difference in visuals between the desktop folder view and the view in Explorer. At least if you’ve got that set to icon view.
I use it for temporarily storing files I’m actively working with. Anything else, especially long term storage I put in other directories.