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Well the top picture clearly doesn't represent the 3rd phase of trials, as there wasn't one when the COVID vaccine was mandated lol
Where was it mandated?
Tons of places, and Biden tried nationally but thankfully the supreme Court shut him down
My office, for one. But you prolly mean by government. Crossing the border in Canada led to the trucker thing. To be clear, I got my third booster last month. I’m pro-vax.
< 5 minute web search says that the 3rd phase was done a month after it was approved for emergency use and had favorable results, so I'm not sure what your point was.
The date given is Oct. 2021 and the trucker protests began in early 2022.
The trucker protests were excellent
Whenever someone just straight up lies about vaccines and the responses to vaccines, they always need to bring up how they're all vaccinated and pro-vaccine.
Nothing I said was a lie. I named two examples of vax mandates. My 24 person company in the Bay Area, where we're dominated by liberalism (whereas I'm a leftist). And the trucker convoys as a result of a mandate to cross the border. The first, you have no way to verify or disprove (although we were so disorganized that actual proof was never sought; it was a stated policy before we came back to the office in summer of 2021. The second, you'd have to have been in a news blackout to miss. I don't understand your comment.
Work requirements are not mandates. People at the industrial half of the place where I work (I'm in the office) have to wear safety goggles. They aren't mandated to wear safety goggles. The government isn't forcing them to wear safety goggles. They just have to do that as a work requirement. No one forced you to get vaccinated just like no one is forcing them to wear goggles. That doesn't mean choices don't have consequences.
Canada and the US did have mandates for border passing.
Canada passed mandates for government workers.
I qualified my statement as "not gov" and then followed up with a gov example. You're arguing in bad faith. Anyway, I'm done with this thread. Hope you have a nice day.
Airplanes, trains, boats, gov employees, public service workers, private corp employees (based on gov advice - mostly office workers and sports players), all forms of healthcare workers, schools, immigrants, and military to name a few.
But most of it has been repealed now thankfully
Wasn't mandated enough places obviously. Your dipshit view of what freedom is gives you zero right to potentially kill people with your fucked up negligence and I'm really fucking tired of morons arguing this dumbfuckery
Thank God for the trucker protests for freedom
Dumb af
Yeah seriously. All the people against those that believed in the lies are dumb as fuck
Aman bruther those truckers is a buncha libtardsZ!!1
Why do you think all of those places repealed their mandates?
Was it because not having the vaccine killed people?
Who "repealed" anything? Laws are repealed. This was never law. Some organizations stopped requiring it because most people aren't this type of moron and just got the fucking vaccine, and people like you made it too difficult to continue to be required. So yeah, you sort of got your moronic wish. People of course died for it but that's their problem right?
If the government mandates something, it has the same weight as a law.
Those orgs that don't require it anymore, didn't drop it because "most people aren't this type of moron and just got the fucking vaccine"
It was because we had more data, and you have to weigh the risks.
It's still hard to say what the long term effects of either vaxxed or un-vaxxed will be
If the government mandates something, it has the same weight as a law.
No it doesn't. I don't think this happened at all except with govt as an employer. You morons could just get a new job.
it's hard to say
It's actually very easy to say. The vaccine complication rate is near zero and not a single harebrained theory you idiots had has panned out. Try again
Lol, you need time to know long term effects, there still hasn't been enough of that yet.
And yes, a mandate has as much weight as a law, it just depends who issued it. The only really difference in mandate vs law is how it's initiated, but here, they hold the same weight.
I won't be deleting lemmy :)
You ignore that not a single person was mandated to get a vaccine in a scenario where they had no choice.
Also you idiot, we know the long term effects of death but that didn't stop you from pretending a hypothetical issue born of a bullshit theory should take precedence.
Thanks for the block request btw
Lol, you need time to know long term effects, there still hasn’t been enough of that yet.
How long after a pandemic starts should a vaccine be released? Give me a number please.
Delete your Lemmy account. Go back to reddit and Facebook where this idiocy is at home
It is stupid as fuck to worry about the "long term effects" of a vaccine but not the disease it's vaccinating against.
No it's not. Here's an instance where vaccines helped spread polio:
The mRNA vaccines were different than this though (not using a live virus), but mRNA is a newer method that hasn't had the same level of testing as other vaccines. Probably good to take some precautions, especially when the virus in question (covid) has a 99% survival rate
Do you know what the long-term effects of COVID are? Ever heard of long COVID?
Yes, I've heard of long covid. But it might as well be named "mid term COVID" as it applies typically applies to anyone who continues to see symptoms past the 3-8 month mark (this varies from study to study).
The vaccine doesn't prevent this either though, but does seem reduce the likelihood, slightly.
We still don't know what's going to happen in the next 5+ years to come (with covid or the vax). These things can take a while to manifest sometimes, which is partly why vaccine testing is usually so extensively long, like 5-10 years (just not in this case for some reason).
The vaccine doesn't hang out in your body, so there's no way that there's going to be effects 5+ years later. Or even 5 months later. I forget the exact amount of time, but it's out of your body in a very short 24-48 hours.
I truly hope you're right!
If you knew anything, you'd know this isn't the reason why getting vaccine approval takes so long. It takes so long because there's a mountain of bureaucrats, lawyers, researchers, and money required to get stuff moving along. Vaccines are pretty low the totem pole for companies and the government to give a shit about, since they're usually about prevention and not treatment. Companies and the government can't throw everything at a vaccine to approve. The only reason the covid vaccine was streamlined was because, you guessed it, we were and are in a global pandemic. Nothing about the approval of vaccines was abnormal, it still took nearly 2.5 years.
I wouldn't say they're "low on the totem pole", they're supposed to be one of the most strictly regulated medical products. In part because vaccine producers can't be held liable for anything - so extensive testing and review is needed.
That industry isn't just peanuts either, it's one of the largest industries in the world.
2.5 years is abnormal (and testing hadn't finished when everything started becoming mandated). The global population was the test lol.
Google how long all the other vaccines we have took to get approval, ~10 years seems pretty normal, maybe not in your country though. Hopefully it never comes to this again
Because idiots like you spread misinformation to the point people were being assaulted over it AND simply wearing face masks
Not having the vaccine killed and continues to kill people. Not getting the vaccine is fucking stupid
Having recovered from COVID while following quarantine procedures is just as good as having the vax - if not better. No?
Having it can lead to long term damage (lungs, heart, etc.) even if you survive and mostly recover.
Early on they were able to show that people who got the 2 dose initial vaccine showed protection longer than those that were sick with COVID. Again, without the risk of long term organ/system damage.
I'd like to say thank you for being civil and having an actual discussion lol.
Here's a study that came out in Feb 2023 looking at vaccinated protection vs natural immunity -
The article does promote taking the vaccine as the safer route - which is agreeable if you have co-morbidities. But long term effects of either will only be shown over time, we still need more of that
I'll take the time to look at these after work, but I wanted to briefly chime in.
Co-morbidities or not, we have been aware since the beginning (well before the vaccines were available) that some people continued to have lingering symptoms and suffered other types of damage due to having contracted the virus. For example - an athletic coworker in her early 40s contracted it August 2020, and to this day continues to have heart problems. I work in hospice, and while the numbers are lower than they were over the last few years, we still regularly get patients entering hospice due to damage from COVID.
I have yet to come across a patient who needed hospice services due to a vaccine.
If I'm going to take a "risk" on anything, it'll be the vaccine.
Just out of curiosity, are the people who're entering your hospice from covid vaccinated against it too? It's not easy to discern if it's the virus or the vax if they've had both - and the reporting on it seems shoddy. It's possible that both can cause issues as well.
Anecdotally, regarding your coworker, I've found it around me too that it's some of the most athletic people had the worst time with COVID (not counting elderly or people with co-morbidities). For the people I know personally, they aren't sure if it was from COVID or the vaccine though, as they'd been vaxxed about a month prior to contracting COVID so it's hard to tell. That also speaks a bit to as to how well the vaccine worked lol.
Let me know what you think of that study when you get some time
In fact you might suffer long COVID symptom which vaccinated people that avoided covid don't have to .
the best part was when all the dropkick workers could be gotten rid easily. our company has repealed the vax requirement, but has a firm policy against rehiring any of the cookers that refused to get vaxxed and were let go.
and the cookers never shut up about it since, many are still terminally online whinging. no-one cared then and no-one cares now LOL
Why do you need a 3rd ühase of trials in a pandemic? Do you also not wash your hands after pissing and shitting? There hasnt been a trial for that.
Which source told you that medicine isnt safe if it doesnt get 3 trials?
No homeopathy ever goes to trials.
Your painkillers didnt get 3 trials.Right because injections and washing your hands are comparable.
The "source that told me" was a bit of critical thought and common sense. This was a vaccine with tech we've never used on massive populations before, pushed by political leaders, followed by media outlets and gov leaders trying to paint everyone who questions it as if they're the worst people humanity has to offer. Ofc we need extensive trials for a vaccine like that (or any vaccine), especially when the producers of the vaccine are immune from liability.
Do you remember what informed consent is? If you're injecting stuff into you, without fully understanding what either the virus itself can do, or what the vaccine can do, you're just blindly following people.
It's this same mentality and confusion that lead to our current opioid pandemic. Blind trust in our institutions and leaders
So your source is no source. You think you're smarter than science. Gotcha. You apparently don't know that mrna is in use since 2001... But youre smarter than everyone else.
You asked me what source I need to want full trials for a vaccine. You have the wit of a teenager.
mRNA hasn't been used in a vaccine like this before.
30 years in the scheme of things is still absolutely nothing. We had lead in our gasoline and our drinking water pipes for decades without anyone actually understanding the issue, and just trusting "it's all safe!"
Virus comes out and we pump out a fully produced vaccine in MONTHS. Of course it's safe and tested fully /s
You're just proving how little your critical thinking and common sense is worth. My guy... Modern vaccines as injections are only around 100 years old. 30 years is a third to a fourth of that time. That isnt relatively new. 30 years is an eternity.
Sars cov 1 is a thing that was succesfully vaccinated against and sars cov 2 is a variant that shares many things with 1.I also asked you what sources you have that support your argument that vaccines need a 3rd trial.
You answer was "it came to me in a dream/i pulled it out of my ass" you have the wit of a sockhamster.Billions of people have the vaccine and a booster. It's been more than 3 years. No long term negatives. You're just dumb and contrarian for the sake of it.