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MAGA Pol Behind ‘Trump Derangement Syndrome’ Bill Caught in Teen Sex Sting MAGA Pol Behind ‘Trump Derangement Syndrome’ Bill Caught in Teen Sex Sting

Justin Eichorn was arrested in a “To Catch a Predator”-style operation.

MAGA Pol Behind ‘Trump Derangement Syndrome’ Bill Caught in Teen Sex Sting

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Minnesota Republican state Sen. Justin Eichorn, who introduced a bill classifying "Trump Derangement Syndrome" as a mental illness, was arrested for allegedly soliciting sex from a minor.

Police say Eichorn believed he was meeting a 16-year-old girl but was actually texting undercover officers. His arrest came just a day after he and four other Republican senators introduced the controversial bill.

Eichorn, who is married with four children, was booked into jail and will be transferred to the Hennepin County Adult Detention Center.


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  • He'll get pardoned.

    • He’ll get pardoned.

      By who? His charges are State Level so Trump can't pardon him and Gov. Tim Walz won't pardon him.

      • After all that’s happened do you honestly think legality is an obstacle to these people?

        • I'm failing to see a mechanism where a Federal Pardon for State charges would result in Tim Walz letting this guy out of prison. What are they going to do? Send the US Military over and attack the place?

          What you are describing is completely absurd. It's beyond hyperbole.

          • Trump will say he’s pardoned, sign a paper, and he will be released. He doesn’t care about mechanisms because that’s for someone else to worry about.

            • Trump will say he's pardoned, sign a paper, and then the guy won't be released because Trump isn't in charge of Hennepin County Adult Detention Center.

              • He doesn’t need to be. He’s in charge of enough to make problems for them if they don’t comply. What makes you think the person in charge of a prison wouldn’t be eager to please Trump in the first place?

                • What makes you think the person in charge of a prison wouldn’t be eager to please Trump in the first place?

                  Because they can be immediately fired by their boss Gov. Tim Walz, former running mate of Kamala Harris.

                  I understand the American System is confusing at the best of times and that right now is not the best of times but you're talking straight up nonsense. It isn't possible.

            • ... and he will be released.

              It doesn't work like that. The only way he gets out is if the Governor of Minnesota orders it and Gov. Tim Walz wouldn't.

              He doesn’t care about mechanisms because that’s for someone else to worry about.

              There ISN'T a mechanism, it simply doesn't exist. Trump can write the pardon if he wants but it would be meaningless. It wouldn't remove the conviction, wouldn't end his sentence, and wouldn't effect his release.

              It'd be like Germany issuing a pardon for someone convicted of a crime in Spain and trying to order them released. They can issue the pardon and make the order but there's absolutely no way to enforce it short of direct military action.

              • You can spout all this shit about rules and laws and that would really be a great argument if either of those things made any bit of difference to Donald Trump. These things only matter if someone enforces them. He basically committed high treason by attempting to coup the government and he was not only allowed to remain free, he became the president again. He’s openly broken the law, blatantly violated the constitution and completely ignored several court orders. The question isn’t “how will he do that” its “how will you stop him”.

                Unless Tim Walz plants his ass in that prison and guards the release button personally, I don’t really see him presenting much of a problem.

                • its “how will you stop him”.

                  The State of Minnesota has its own force capabilities. Tim Walz could ring the facility with State Guard, order tanks to sit in the parking lot, and have combat helicopters flying over the facility 24x7. THAT is how its stopped. The State of Minnesota isn't a Court, it actually has the ability to enforce things using military firepower.

                  I don’t really see him presenting much of a problem.

                  People like you really aren't worth talking too. Sure bub, a Governor isn't much a problem. Uh huh.

                  • You are delusional if you think that there’s any chance Walz would escalate things to military resistance against the federal government. I would love it if he did, but that’s just a complete fantasy.