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knightly knightly
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LGBTQ+ orgs blast Joe Biden's "cowardly" statement opposing surgeries for trans youth
  • Ah, yes. Because doing surgeries "without the patient saying one word" to consent to them is great for regret rates. XD

  • LGBTQ+ orgs blast Joe Biden's "cowardly" statement opposing surgeries for trans youth
  • They have higher regret rates than trans care?

  • Project 2025 Architect Signals Bloodshed If Left Opposes Trump-Led 'Revolution'
  • I didn't say not to vote, just that it's too late to fix this with electoralism. If you feel compelled to do so then please do, we have to embrace a diversity of tactics if we're to have any impact on the national stage.

  • Project 2025 Architect Signals Bloodshed If Left Opposes Trump-Led 'Revolution'
  • As a trans enby in a red zone, I'm looking forward to running out of things to lose after my existence is declared illegal.

  • Project 2025 Architect Signals Bloodshed If Left Opposes Trump-Led 'Revolution'
  • It was unavoidable, because nobody in a position to do anything about it was willing to avoid it.

    We were set on this path in 2015 when the court ruled that the DNC is entirely within its rights to rig the primary. They chose not to run the most popular politician in the country because it was "Her Turn", and in so doing gave the Presidency to Trump.

    Everything that has occurred since then could never have happened any other way. The backlash to Trump that put Biden in office despite pulling another fuckery on Bernie, and now the red wave of greivance against a "stolen election" that will give us Trump again.

    What's infuriating is that, for the first time in a decade, I can't predict the political future anymore. I'm not even willing to bet we'll have elections in 2028, much less who the winners will be.

  • Project 2025 Architect Signals Bloodshed If Left Opposes Trump-Led 'Revolution'
  • It's far too late to vote our way out of this, Trump will be president next year because the Democrats would rather lose an election than a fundraising opportunity.

    Start preparing for the inevitable. If you and your friend circle aren't ready to engage in mass civil unrest like the French do whenever their government acts up then it's time to get that way. Form an affinity group, practice acting in concert while in black bloc, study police tactics, surveil the local fascist agitators, join a worker's union, identify opportunities to disrupt business-as-usual, and most importantly, do not organize online.

  • [Serious] What's your hot take?
  • I think you mean sports without a physical activity aspect

    No, I do not.

    Mens egos are so fragile that women were banned from minor league baseball when Jackie Mitchell struck out Babe Ruth and Lou Gherig in 1931.

    Figure skating was segregated in 1903 for the same reason, Madge Syers took the silver medal from a man.

    The history of womens' sports is rife with examples like this, most sports started out as co-ed and only stayed that way until women started winning.

  • [Serious] What's your hot take?
  • Vernacular doesn't need to belong to a person or even a group of people.

    Then why do they call it "African American Vernacular English"?

    If your problem is with the people who say it and not the word itself, that's a different issue and one that I'm not really interested in debating.

    Who says I can't have two problems?

  • [Serious] What's your hot take?
  • Ultra-endurance sports such as marathons (women show a statistical advantage over men above the 150-mile mark), Figure Skating (Madge Syers beat two men for the silver medal in 1902, women were then banned from competing until the sport was gender-segregated in 1906), Baseball (Jackie Mitchell struck out Babe Ruth and Lou Gherig in 1931 and was kicked out of the league a month later), Shooting sports (Zhang Shang took the gold in shotgun skeet in 1992, women were't allowed to compete again until the sport was gender-segregated in 2000, and women average higher scores in the rifle category to this day), etc etc.

  • Undecided voters say they now support Joe Biden after debate
  • My point is that working within a system that's designed to disenfranchise us is an exercise in futility, and telling people in red states to go vote is more likely to frustrate than inspire them. If voting is the beginning and end of your political participation, then you can be controlled simply by controlling who gets to be on the ballot.

    When the government becomes intolerable, we must become ungovernable.

    We need to build alternative structures of power that can organize around the intransigence of the State. This means forming affinity groups that serve community needs despite government opposition, like how the Black Panthers had school breakfast and literacy programs.

  • Are moths furry?
  • Yes.

  • [Serious] What's your hot take?
  • Not really, the tough part is finding people I'd trust to write, enforce, and interpret the legislation.

  • Undecided voters say they now support Joe Biden after debate
  • Current projections show the state not turning purple 'til the end of the decade at the earliest thanks to the influx of Republicans from California and an exodus of Democrats to blue states like Colorado.

  • Telegram says it has 'about 30 engineers'; security experts say that's a red flag
  • I'm still waiting for the furries to switch to Matrix.

  • A private call of top Democrats fuels more insider anger about Biden's debate performance
  • What primaries? Who was allowed to run against him?

  • Undecided voters say they now support Joe Biden after debate
  • Being realistic means we must demand the impossible, like Biden stepping down from the race.

  • Undecided voters say they now support Joe Biden after debate
  • Being from the UK, you might be unaware that Texas is not a battleground state. As a solid Red state, votes for national offices cast there have no effect.

    Sure, they can have Democrats as mayors of the urban centers, but the jerrymandered senate and congressional seats will go to Republicans.

  • [Serious] What's your hot take?
  • Humanity is a rebel without a cause. Fighting is just what we do~

  • [Serious] What's your hot take?
  • In whose vernacular? I've never heard it spoken in person, just seen it on posts by some of the worst people online.

  • Are there any Vampire Survivor type games on Android?

    Specifically, ones that aren't chock-full of mobile game enshittification and in-app purchases?

    I don't mind paying for games but I'm sick and tired of predatory monetization schemes and will immediately uninstall a game if the tutorial insists on showing me a store page.
