The average P/E for the auto industry is 29.97. $TSLA is beyond overvalued. If it stays like this, it’ll take another massive hit after the Q1 earnings call on April 29th.
The funny bit is that if their stock price falls 90% in 6 months, their P/E will almost certainly still be above the auto industry average because their earnings will be falling too.
That's would be interesting to know. He bought Twitter on October 27th 2022 when TSLA was around 225 (having fallen from above 330 when he first announced he was going to buy), and it's now at 272, so he's got about 17% left before it drops to the same value. Presumably the loan was for less than the full value of his TSLA holding, so he's still got some margin left, but I can easily believe the banks will be wanting extra collateral pretty soon considering it's down 30% in the last month alone.
*“Okay, so you think the United States is just a country, right? With laws, a government, and people who vote? No. The United States is actually a massive, over-leveraged brand, built on a combination of nostalgia, marketing, and a complicated system of political derivatives that nobody really understands. And just like the financial system in 2008, it's being held together by confidence.
Now, let’s say the USA starts running into problems—declining trust, political instability, social fragmentation. Normally, in a functioning system, you'd fix these things. But instead of actual reform, what if we just repackaged the entire thing and sold it as something new?
So we take all these existing structures—government, media, economy—and bundle them into what we’ll call ‘America 2.0.’ It’s the same thing, but we slap on a fresh narrative: ‘Innovation!’ ‘Resilience!’ ‘Democracy!’ Boom. People feel reassured. But underneath? It’s still the same risky assets, just rebranded and resold.
The best part? If it fails, the people who repackaged it already made their money. And the rest? Well… the system’s ‘too big to fail,’ right?”*