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People pretending Kamala is competent is almost as funny as people pretending Trump is Christian.
This is going to be Hilary all over again. Absolutely the same clueless "why won't you vote for me?! I have such good referrals!!" energy.
She's not even president yet, she passed the bar exam, and yet you've figured her out
Have you got your bar licence? Maybe it makes sense to have someone in charge of the US who has comprehensive knowledge of the law.... Just a thought
Whereas you posted 8500 comments in the past year alone averaging 15 comments per day since joining last year.. Which suggests you're possibly not even employed...
Also the implication that a subset of Americans are sexist because they won't vote for a woman who has expressed unwavering support in continuing a genocide.
More 👏 female 👏 genocide 👏 perpetrators 👏
Netanjahu is openly cheering for trump, knowing that he will have no more breaks on his plan to completely level Gaza and expand on the settler program.
Trump is the one that basically told the Palestinian people that they'll never have Jerusalem as a capital by moving the embassy there
It's so obvious how much this is just a bad-faith attempt to discourage people from voting for the clearly better choice if you care about Palestine...
You do realize that if trump wins, there is a very real possibility he'll nuke Gaza himself? Because I need to know you understand that. Kamala might not be as harsh on bibi as you'd like, but she'll work towards a ceasefire. Trump has threatened to nuke foreign countries before but was stopped by his staff like his former chief of staff, john kelly, and his former secretary of defense mark milley (both of whom have recently come out and described trump as a fascist btw). And that staff won't be around this time to stop him. He's surrounding himself with sycophants who will blindly do his bidding.
ah yes great. we get to select plain or polite genocide. as vile as trump is nuking gaza seems like a mercy compared to the slow death from hunger or burning them alive which is being done with biden blessing and not a single statement from harris to even acknowledge this genocide.
Yes, it's awful you only get two choices and neither will do enough about palenstine. But what about the other issues? Reproductive and LGTBQ rights? Surely Harris would be better on that front?
These people don't actually care about rights. They have found a single issue to throw all of their weight behind and are blind to everything that doesn't support their position 100%.
I guarantee you there are large numbers of Palestinians who would not pass their 'care about genocide' purity test based solely on things like thinking that Harris will result in less death than Trump.
this is not a single issue. dnc has become as evil as trump. They don’t care about pregnant women getting shot by snipers and bombed in hospitals and you think they give a rat ass about women’s rights.
lgbt, abortition are issues in 21st century because of their complicity. a vote for kamal is endorsing gencoide and continue this spiral of decline.
have you seen the footage of what’s happening in gaza ? how offensive to suggest that they should vote for a candidate who is already been burning their family alive for a year. rot in hell with that mentality.
Thanks for proving my point.
You don't give a shit about queer people's rights or about brown people getting deported by the millions.
Claiming democrats are just as bad as Trump on these issues is a disgusting lie at the expense of queer people.
No Democrat would do any of this. Harris certainly wouldn't:
Project 2025 would make that exponentially worse. It would be another genocide. Plus the genocide he's made clear he's going to do with brown people by deporting as many as he possibly can, which would literally require concentration camps.
You care about one single issue and you don't even care if Palestinians agree with you on your ideas.
You don’t give a shit about queer people’s rights or about brown people getting deported by the millions.
says who? first off there are far more levers one can pull to support lgbt rights in your home state that are far more effectual than national policies. go focus on those and the presidents support of those issues is not required for their safety.
as for the deportations, you know what those are not? death sentences. it sucks but the majority of those people will be just fine. they have time.
you know who doesn't have time? gaza.
its okay to admit you're willing to support a genocide, it makes you a shitty person but its okay. we'll wait for your to get over the cognitive dissonance.
as for project 2025: vote down ballot would be an effective counter to that little issue.
No one cares if you vote for kamala, there are very good reasons to vote for her if you're in a swing state or a red state. We do care that you're letting a genocide happen and bitching about the people trying to stop it.
now your turn: What have you done to help to help stop a genocide? called your reps lately? emailed kamala? or are you just an armchair pontificating? have you even once threatened them with withholding your vote? you know its okay to do so. they won't know you voted for them in the end. have you responded to any polls saying you wont vote for kamala?
Says me since you're ignoring the fact that I'm talking about conversion camps for queer people and you are ignoring it and focusing on the deportations. Conversion camps are something the people behind Project 2025 want. And the only way to stop them is to stop them from doing it is to keep Trump out of office.
"Your daughter probably won't be put in a concentration camp despite what they're saying because Trump doesn't keep all of his promises" is the opposite of reassuring, which is why I'm making sure I'm using my dual citizenship to get her the fuck out of here if she wins.
now your turn: What have you done to help to help stop a genocide? called your reps lately? emailed kamala? or are you just an armchair pontificating? have you even once threatened them with withholding your vote? you know its okay to do so. they won’t know you voted for them in the end. have you responded to any polls saying you wont vote for kamala?
My turn? You never said what you've done.
I have spent the entire time this genocide has been going on working with Jewish Voice for Peace to try to stop it.
Seems like what you've done is whine on internet forums.
Edit: I'll take it from the crickets that what it seems like is also what is true.
lolol. I dont live on here bud. I've been emailing my critters all year over this. including harris' campaign. I've been canvasing for ranked choice voting in my state and looks like we'll get it in my city soon. I've been doing my part to make the democrats electable. I'm very active in my local lgbt+ community, myself and my friends live this shit every day.
If harris gets elected good for her. I simply won't support someone actively engaging in genocide just like i pushed for biden to go when all you twits where saying its 'too late' 'we cant switch now' clearly we could. its too bad harris didn't get the hint, but thats not my fault; its her inability to change course on a fucking genocide. if zionists have a problem with this well fuck them too and I'd still do what i'm doing for them if the situation was reversed.
What you're telling me right now is if harris tomorrow says 'israel will no longer be allowed to receive weapons support while actively committing a genocide' you wouldn't vote for her. you are not worth my time. someday you might figure out by capitulating to the lesser evil only allows these sorts of things to occur. and that you have the ability to stop them.
Am I going to be insulated from trump if he gets elected? you're fucking right I am. because in my state we've been putting in the fucking effort to build those safety nets. Everyone else If you're not in a safe state do what you need to do get that level of community safety; including voting for harris, thats perfectly acceptable. but if you're in a safe state and you're not raising hell over gaza think long and hard about who you really are as a person, because clearly you're willing to sell other peoples lives for your own personal comfort. But either way get your ass to the booth and vote for whomever you think best represents your interests.
cool go vote for her. maybe in next election prison slavery will be a single issue we should ignore. we all know harris is cool with it. oh wait she is also cool with fracking, deportation , campaigning with the war profiteers cheneys. seems like she is also trying to catch up on trump’s bigotry.
cool go vote for her.
I will. I don't want my daughter or any other people forcibly marched into conversion camps.
That won't happen under a Harris administration. Trump's people are sure implying it will under his.
Why does that not make a difference to you?
same way ruthless genocide with our tax dollars and support doesn’t make a difference to you. does the housing and cost of living crisis under biden bothers you ?
and honestly trump stupid claims are unlikely to be reality just like the wall. dnc amplifies all that because they have nothing else to campaign for. biden didn’t do anything about roe vs wade so he can his reelection campaign on it.
by voting for harris you are only postponing what trump will actually do by a few years or may be even worse. for americas future both gop and dnc needs to destroyed and every lobbyist jailed.
i get that for you it’s not vile enough to not participate in this farce but i can’t vote for genocide of innocents who have already suffered decades of apartheid. for me a red line has been reached.
maybe in next election we will have marjorie vs some another dnc lobby shill where the choice will be just bring back slavery in general or just slavery of colored people. will that be red line for you or will be still saying that it’s awful but dnc is better and it’s the only viable choice ?
I'm Canadian so I don't get a vote. But even in a broken system I would still vote for the lesser. How are things ever going to get better if apathy allows republicans in each time?
You don't need to be silent but of the two options who is more likely to be swayed? No matter what it's going to be one of the two in power.
voting for lesser evil works worked for biden. now dnc is evil as republicans, they just lie about it.
my next vote will be only for a candidate who is willing to jail aipac, citizen united and other lobbyists.
Now you're fuckin gettin it! So which one, plain or polite? Those are the only options, it's happening regardless so which are you picking?