Random npc spongebob fish character looking miserable holding a cup during a sunset and another overlayed image of the same guy on the left with the same look.
It is captioned with:
When you already checked your usual 5 apps and don't know what else to do with your day:
So are you people in this meme just on your phone all day looking at stupid phone apps? God, what a waste of life.
Smartphones are just boring little tools guys. Don't make it your life. Be a real nerd, get a PC, and surf the web where there are no limitations set by apps. Play some video games, look at porn sites, do some online shopping or whatever. If you're done with all that, go outside and ride a bike or something.
I started reading books and mags while pooping. I like it. Highly recommended.
Just got to have system to make sure you don't do anything unhygienic to your reading material. I make sure to set it down before I touch myself. I touch myself.