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Daily discussion thread: πŸ’ŠπŸŒΈπŸ›ŒπŸ“Ί Friday, June 7, 2024


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  • G'day mates I'm back and I'm braindead. Happy to say immigration/e-gates were much less of a shit show than late last year even though there were still a couple of kiosks out of action. Seems like all airports are moving primarily towards facial recognition, had so many photos taken

    • Welcome back! We have arranged a long weekend in your honour!

    • Welcome back Kitten!

      Time for you to go home and relax now! Don't forget to rug up, it's been cold here lately.

      • Thank you! And in typical Melbourne welcome someone tries to cut in front of the driver merging onto an onramp almost causing an accident. πŸ˜†

        I've had no caffeine for quite a while now and slept through the tea service on the plane. Think I'll just coast through the rest of day with a hot chocolate so I catch up on some quality sleep tonight.

    • Welcome home jk.

      We'll be heading to Japan in the near future so I'll be asking you a lot of questions.

      • Always happy to help! Bear in mind I'm moderately fluent in he language and have been a few times so there's stuff that's relevant to others that I may not be aware of, but shoot away when you're ready.

    • You're back! Welcome hooooome.

      • I wish to report that I had some super juicy and delectable gyoza for my last meal before heading to the airport.

        Now looking forward to see how my extremely hasty literally last minute first ever chilli ferment is going. Those scotch bonnets almost smelled like carrots when I blitzed them, so fresh. I hope nothing bad has grown and that no receptacles have exploded

        • super juicy and delectable gyoza

          That warms the coldest cockles of my heart :)

          Edit: also super keen to hear how the ferment went.

          • Yeah it looks ok! There's a bit of fuzzy stuff on the top/exposed side of the ziploc bag (filled with water) that I used to weigh down the chillos. Haven't moved the bag out of fear that it'll drop a few spores into the mix. I'm too tired to think about it today but have questions to ask you tomoz. I'll need to taste it and maybe run a pH test before I decide what to do with it next.

    • Konnichiwa and g'day!

    • Welcome back big kitty!! How was the trip overall?

      • I'd say q solid 7/10. Accom really could've been planned better and felt I didn't always get the right momentum or do what I really wanted to, but also some magical moments throughout. My cup is full

        • That's good! I hope you're well rested. Sucks about the accom and energy/momentum, but that seems to just be something that comes along with longer trips, especially when you're changing accommodation every night/every few nights. My current trip is feeling kinda similar in terms of the accommodation. Long story short, because of my age I need an adult with me, and because of safety concerns and just general privacy, we needed 2 bedrooms rather than 1 with 2 beds, but the hotel was booked. They had a cancellation so it worked out for all of us, but it was stressful while we were waiting to hear back.

          And dinner went late last night and couldn't get the early night I was hoping for, so it was hard to enjoy the day today when I was tired from the time I woke up until I slept

    • Welcome back!