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Tucker Time: Sun 14 Jul 2024
  • I think maybe I made too many

  • Daily Discussion Thread: 🍷💃 🎶 Sunday, July 14, 2024
  • You know how sometimes when you're hungry you can open your mouth and saliva fires out from your salivary glands under your tongue like a friggin venom spitting snake? Usually happens at the worst times and a loved one might catch a stray. I might be nuts but I think I can do that on command. Is that normal?

  • Tucker Time: Sun 14 Jul 2024
  • Got some wedges in the air fryer and sour cream & sweet chilli sauce on the side

  • Tucker Time: Sat 13 Jul 2024
  • I bought a bbq plum chicken fillet mignon from the butcher the other day which is now in the oven. Hoping for good things.

    Edit: butcher is trying to make me sick! Said 180 for 30-35 minutes and it's still raw in the middle! Glad I checked.

  • Tucker Time: Sat 13 Jul 2024
  • Bavarian Cream Ring is where it's at!!

  • Daily Discussion Thread: 💿💿💿 Friday, July 12, 2024
  • Was just shaving and noticed a HAIR protruding from one of my nostrils! NOOOOOO I'M NOT OLD YET!!

    Yanked that mofo out of there. Now for some sweet sweet denial.

  • Daily Discussion Thread: 💿💿💿 Friday, July 12, 2024
  • It's insane to me that there isn't an age cutoff of the standard retirement age for the highest-level job in the country.

    If the party steps him down now, it'd be the responsible thing to do but it'd show weakness and go back on everything they've been saying (that he's fine) and they seem too arrogant to do that. Plus the fickle media/voters would probably label the party as unstable (which maybe they are) and lose them the election.

    If they leave him on and he dies soon, the party looks stupid for not standing him down sooner and if he dies after winning there would be a lot of talk about the intention of getting the VP in as president without people voting for them.. another issue with their entire system of voting for the "president" and not the party/policies.

    If they leave him on and he keeps kicking and wins, you'd have to trust that serious people are actually running the country and he's just rolled out to flub through speeches and shake some hands. If he loses then they have 4 more years of a cartoon-supervillain president assuming he lives through them.

    I don't see a way back for the USA from the crips vs bloods level of division their people are in plus their need to make politics into entertainment. The hero-worshipping of their politicians is baffling to me. They're politicians!

  • Daily Discussion Thread: 🚒 🔥 🏭 Thursday, July 11, 2024
  • Just found salt and pepper in my parents pantry with best before dates of 2015.

  • Tucker Time: Thu 11 Jul 2024
  • I bought stuff to make burgers this morning. Might make one shortly coz I'm hongry.

  • Daily Discussion Thread: 🚒 🔥 🏭 Thursday, July 11, 2024
  • Breakfast burrito is my love language. Except for when places feel like they have to be too fancy and start throwing spinach in them.

  • Daily Discussion Thread: 🚒 🔥 🏭 Thursday, July 11, 2024
  • Everyone loves lamb! Unfortunately, Nanna also lives in Mildura so no lamb for her. Not from me anyway.

  • Daily Discussion Thread: 🚒 🔥 🏭 Thursday, July 11, 2024
  • I've been informed that it's Vegas' 10th birthday on Saturday! I need to figure out what to get him. Think I'll hit up the butcher but I might have to wait until Saturday to do it so it doesn't spoil the surprise, because he'll smell it. I'll swing by the big pet shop too and see if I can find something he might like.

    Edit: Oh it's also my nanna's 98th birthday tomorrow. I don't think she wants anything from the butcher.

  • Daily Discussion Thread: 🚒 🔥 🏭 Thursday, July 11, 2024
    • Waking up every 2 hours seemingly like clockwork to pee, although I don't feel too bad this morning considering the disruptions
    • Things in my parents' kitchen which I might want being at least 6 months past their best before dates
  • Daily Discussion Thread: 🚒 🔥 🏭 Thursday, July 11, 2024
  • A race! It's on like donkey kong.

  • Daily Discussion Thread: 🚒 🔥 🏭 Thursday, July 11, 2024
  • What a time to be alive! I didn't feel any weirdness going to pick mine up from St Kilda BUT I was on my toes because where I parked felt like a slightly sketchy area and I figured scumbags might watch for people coming out of the dispensary and target them. Felt super sketchy like that around some of the US dispensaries I went to over there too.

    Never actually had a problem though.

  • Daily Discussion Thread: 🚒 🔥 🏭 Thursday, July 11, 2024
  • meanwhile I have one which was shipped yesterday from somewhere over the east side, I forget where exactly, went through Tullamarine last night and should be arriving at my front door of my parents place out in Melton any moment now (status is onboard for delivery as of 30 minutes ago)

    sometimes they just get it right

    bring me my weeeeeed mr postman

  • Tucker Time: Wed 10 Jul 2024
  • Not the real delicious chicken but it'll do. Just overheard a guy ordering for his obviously massive family. $189 for dinner jeeeesus.

  • Kettle Bundaberg Ginger Beer Chips

    They're very nice! Definitely worth a try. I hope the flavour sticks around.


    Daily Discussion Thread: Tue 14 Nov 2023

    Welcome to the Melbourne Community Daily Discussion Thread.

    Bot001 has abandoned us. Save yourselves!


    Daily Discussion Thread: Sun 29 Oct 2023

    Welcome to the Melbourne Community Daily Discussion Thread. RIP Bot #001


    Disneyland Australia: Sally Capp suggests site near Avalon Airport

    Basically a nothing article about how Sally Capp reckons Melbourne would be a good place for a Disneyland Australia, but I thought it might be worth discussion. I personally don't think we (Melbourne) have the right weather for a Disneyland, especially out there. Too windy. Imagine what it'd do to the traffic on the Princes Fwy too..

    Anyway.. what do you think? Where in Australia would you put a Disneyland?


    Daily Discussion Thread: Sat 08 Jul 2023

    Welcome to the Melbourne Community Daily Discussion Thread.

    This post is in memory of Bot #001 who sadly blew away in the wind.
